I dont really mind blood, but I dont much like compound fractures (where you can see the bone) or the breaks where you can see the bump the bone is making under the skin. If my feet fall off of my pedals when I'm jumping (on my bike), I get slaped in the shin with a good bit of force (you jump with your feet even, so when ever one falls off the pedal, all of your weight goes to the other and the crank swings around an slaps you). This happens all the time, and I ride clipless, which means that I have small, sharp pedals (The other day, though I took my friend's bike, with regular pedals, off of a 1-2 foot jump and got slapped hard enough to bruse my leg and cut it up purdy bad). This doesnt effect me at all, nor does getting cut on the arms, but for some reason (I dont pass out or get woosy) it really hurts me when I cut my fingers. Not sure why a small cut on my finger hurts more that a big, deep gash on my shin, but it does.