The online racing simulator
D-R-T servers.
(56 posts, started )
D-R-T servers.
Any admin for the DRT servers (specifically the GT As Nat one) around on this forum? I think it's a german one and I know there are some of our german cousins frequenting this forum.

It's just that I was wondering why you don't allow voteban on your servers?

My complete mornings (whilst baby is asleep) racing was wrecked by a wrecker (A guy called Deeper on line. Said he was from Uragauy but hey he could have been anyone). Everyone was getting wound up with him, it was blatent wrecking and really quite annoying. But we had no recause to him. All we wanted was for him to be gone. It seems that for a public server not to have a voteban option is a little daft.

Needless to say that a replay of this guys antics was sent to both the server admin and the Devs so hopefully I will never have to see him and his wrecking ways again . . .

So annoying. Espeacially as I woke the baby up with my cursing. (sorry babes).
He's Welsh, just smile and wave
#3 - th84

Is that even a country??
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Look Funnybear, they like you. I think their reaction of imitating you is an act of kindness. But I'm not sure, I haven't studied them enough yet.


Seriously, I agree with you. I can very much understand a no-voteban on a demo server, but for an S2 server to disable votebanning, it should atleast be regularly adminned.
#5 - th84
maybe its the pink car??
I was there too, unless that was yesterday, and Deeper did it today as well.
He'd stay anchored on the starting grid, then stand in the middle of the track once the race was underway.
Quote from AndroidXP :Look Funnybear, they like you. I think their reaction of imitating you is an act of kindness. But I'm not sure, I haven't studied them enough yet.


To study us, is to become us... so you better be careful illepall

And I do like Funnybear, or I wouldn't have posted what I did.
Isn't that sweet Funnybear? You have fans

Being from Welsh stock I stand in solidarity with you...let's race Corgis!
Could one DRT member contact me via private message ASAP? I need to discuss an incident that happened last night (18th) that you might find interesting. I won't post the replay file public, but definitely you want to have a look at it as server owners.
I hope it's not a replay of me swearing . . . I did that quite alot yesterday.

It was odd. For such a popular server (Maybe because of the the no Vote option) it was a shame that some seriously good racing was riuned by the lack of the ability to get rid of the less salubrious racers.

Why is everyone waving at me? Was it something I said?

And *Cough* Hankster. Mate. Erm. I ain't actually welsh. I know my flag ses it but I ain't. You see I'm actually an English spy sent to root out Wellian dissidents and bring them to a certain justice. But I'm not doing a very good job so I've taken up breeding with them instead. (And no snide comments about sheep please. Not unless it's original.)
#11 - SamH
I went to Wales, once.

You have to pay to get in. But they let you out for free . . .
A spy? Bah! Throw him to the ... hmm, what's a dangerous Welsh animal? Fat choral singers?
#14 - SamH
Quote from Hankstar :A spy? Bah! Throw him to the ... hmm, what's a dangerous Welsh animal? Fat choral singers?

Throw him to the... dragon, perhaps?

I don't think there are any dragons in Wales any more. There is one in Chicago though. I know, because I divorced her two years ago.
Quote from SamH :Throw him to the... dragon, perhaps?

I don't think there are any dragons in Wales any more. There is one in Chicago though. I know, because I divorced her two years ago.

no we've just got fire breathing sheep now

trouble is if they cough they set fire to their wool

which is how you get black sheep
Quote from tinvek :no we've just got fire breathing sheep now

trouble is if they cough they set fire to their wool

which is how you get black sheep

So it is a sheep that cooks itself?
What will they think of next in this fast food generation
Funnybear, he doesn't even know what the blue flag, or yellow flag means :S, just thought I'd add that up.
Add what up? Blue and yellow flags. Does that mean you get a Bluey yellowish flag?

'Tis nice to see a thread that although not really staying on topic can at least let the british sacrastic muscle flex at it's most mightiest stretch . . .

Sacrastic? Isn't that something that only happens on holy ground. What I meant was 'sarcarstic'. Bad bear. Bad.

Edit - Look I can even take this piss out of me, thats is how strong and long my muscle is. I could entertain myself all night if I wanted too. Just stroking and looking at my big, large and extroudinarily mighty sarcastic muscle.

God bless you Benny Hill. God bless you.
#20 - SamH
I don't get why Americans don't get sarcasm. Well.. they DO, really. In Fawlty Towers, Basil was sarcastic. The Americans LOVED Fawlty Towers. Did they just get the slapstick between Basil and Manuel, and miss the sarcasm between Basil and Sybil?

There were some brilliant uses of sarcasm in Friends. Do you have to be a New Yorker to be an American who gets sarcasm? My Mid-Western friends took their sweet time over getting used to my sarcastic humour.
I think they do get sarcasm, it's subtlety they don't get
(There was no subtle way to put that )
Shh. Don't mention the war. I did, but I think I got away with it . . .

Basil - You started it!!

German - No we didn't.

Basil - Yes you did, you invaded poland!!

****ing funny.
Americans get sarcasm. There are people who live in America who don't get it. Just because America exports all kinds of drivel in the form of movies, tv, and pop culture, does not mean that you can generalize anything about an American from that. Well, you can, and it can be funny, but it won't be reality.
And how many of those actors on Friends do you really think came from New York in the first place, hmmmm?

So if you want to have an argument, pay your money and you can argue;
No you can't
Yes I can
No it can't be done
This is not an argument
Yes it is
No it isn't
Yes it is
This is not an argument, it's a contradiction
No it isn't...
#24 - SamH
You can generalise about Brits, though. With a population that's only 2x that of Greater Chicago, and being an island that could probably float comfortably in Lake Michigan without touching the sides, sarcasm is understood by all. It's inherent in all permutations of British society. I think it's a side-effect of being overtaxed.
Quote from SamH :It's inherent in all permutations of British society. I think it's a side-effect of being overtaxed.

:chairfall :ices_rofl

D-R-T servers.
(56 posts, started )