The online racing simulator
A suggestion: No need to BAN/KICK and keep it very clean
by having racers to log onto to LFS severs with what experince they have. I mean the servers should lbe like Newbiie, Amatauer, Pro and its like.

No newbie can log onto a pro server because he does not have enough lap times or anything like it. There are enough stats gathers like fuel and lap times I am sure this can be achieved.

This way i think everyone can be happy and this would solve the problem of kicking and banning.

While I am at this post I posted a few days ealrier a post on ZONE30 and I am pleased to retrarct my comments on them especially after them inviting after all the post to log onto thier site and talk there. This was not arrogance.

Its a great experince to be on LFS and I hope it be for everyone else too.

Happy clean racing
Something like this was discussed some time ago, I think... there is and sim ple problem: more laps DOESNT MEAN better skills......
maybe you could take into account all of the online laps they have recorded in the lfsword database.. which would then somehow work out a score by comparing your laps say to the world record lap and give you a ranking based on your times... faster ur times are, the higher ur rank and vise versa....

using that rank then you could only log onto servers which have a ranking limit set by admins

... or something along those lines

but comparing my laps to the world records wouldnt be fair as i am a clean racer and can be quick.. normally about 1-1.5 secs of world records but to use that to stop me getting on some servers hmmm... i imagine many people are clean racers but not neceseraly the fastest!

Quote from MadCatX :more laps DOESNT MEAN better skills......

Correct. I've been playing since 0.3A(the last demo w/Skidpad right?) and i still suck :P
When I was a newbie watching and racing with 'pro' guys is what improved me. If the newbies can only race with newbies then you end up segregating the entire community and reducing the chance for newbies to improve and see how 'pro' drivers behave.

All in all it wouldn't add one single good element to LFS and would add many bad, possibly destructive ones.
Leagues are for segregation. If you want to avoid public servers, join a league or run your own server. Simple.

I think every driver should spend at least five minutes a week helping a slower driver, like Kev, so that everyone is happier and friendlier.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Wax on, Wax off
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#7 - th84
I dont think there is any hope for kev! But smile kev, your still faster than me :P
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#8 - th84
I dont think you've given it a fair chance! It took me a while before i started liking it!! Plus that banger set that i sent you probably didnt help
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :I've... er... already mastered the waxing

Well, grab your wheel, and keep waxing, perfect cornering guaranteed!
I just drive with a dirty car
I can't remember the exact quote, or who said it.. but it was something like 'The only way to become a better opponent, is to play a better opponent' (Was it SunTzu?)

Anyway, that's my penny's worth.
#12 - SamH
It would be great if more servers existed, for less experienced drivers, definitely. We have the Beginners server, which gets pretty busy occasionally. It would be nice if there were some more beginners servers out there.

We do get the odd experienced driver in Beginners, trying to do hotlaps during hour-long qualifying for a 4 lap race, and cursing when a newbie comes out of the pits a bit wildly and pins them to a wall, but by and large I think people understand that it's a place where you can screw up without repercussions. It's also a place that drivers on other servers can LEGITIMATELY suggest "noobs" should go, to get up to speed.

If experienced drivers have some time on their hands, and feel inspired to help, they're always welcome on the Beginners' server to give advice to newer drivers. The whole idea of the server is to ease the transition from demo to S2, and reduce the number of disconnects from other servers because of inexperience. It really is a hell of a leap to make, from XFG to FO8 etc, and I don't know of any other location yet where the specific intention is to assist that process.

TeamCCUK members now sport the prefix =[BSR]=, for British Slipstream Racing. It brings our insignia into line with that of the other multiplayers we dabble in. We range from very experienced to extremely inexperienced drivers (the criteria for joining the team are not driving skill-related.) so we'll always maintain a safe haven for our worst drivers. Anyone else who needs practice is welcome to drive alongside them.
You forget 1 thing:

You might have enough skills to join a Pro server, but when you only drive on Blackwood, your gonna have a hard time racing Kyoto.

Just like me: I just don't know Kyoto well enough, so i joined a server with 2 players on it (Kyoto GP i think) and they kept calling me newb and so on :P
#14 - SamH
Quote from SoloNijN :You forget 1 thing:

You might have enough skills to join a Pro server, but when you only drive on Blackwood, your gonna have a hard time racing Kyoto.

Just like me: I just don't know Kyoto well enough, so i joined a server with 2 players on it (Kyoto GP i think) and they kept calling me newb and so on :P

The tracks on TeamCCUK Beginners are selectable. You can choose which cars and tracks etc. Work with the others on the server, if you're not the first to arrive.

Occasionally we hold organized sessions on particular tracks, in particular cars, but mostly we leave it up to those joining the server to pick the particular thing they most need to work on
SamzH thanks so much for the post, good to know of you.

Thanks to all who posted their comments which were all brilliant.

Checked the website some nice images. The links do not work on the website and how does one join.

#17 - SamH
Quote from sshhaabb :SamzH

Checked the website some nice images. The links do not work on the website and how does one join.


Yeah, the website is something of an embarassment to us at the moment. I'm supposed to be coming up with a new graphic design for it, and then another of our team is going to apply that to his custom built CMS. The links are screwed at the moment and it's all a bit of a mess. Sorry

We're going to have a team meeting this evening to work out a mechanism for increasing our membership. At the moment, all BSR team members are actually work colleagues. We'd definitely like to increase our ranks, but as a worker's co-operative, it has to go to "committee" first
IMO, making amount of laps/wins matter will completely ruin the feel of LFS. It will make everyone want to win races, find loopholes with winning races, and just will stop making it as friendly. Like in Battlefield2, I didn't know they did stats, and I had a damn good time playing the game. Didn't care if I died, then I found out there were stats, and now I have to play twice as cautious and actually try in the game. Just kinda takes the fun out =/ .

P.S. That was a simple comparison/example. No need to flame BF2