The online racing simulator
Quote from Bose321 :anyone idea's about the officer thing me and 'kiss me' are trying?

I've posted a fully working piece of code. It's almost direct copy and paste from my own works. With a little bit of manipulation it will do exactly what you want...
and we just put in in there?
strange, i'll try again
would it work if we do:

InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("" + Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[1].PLID)].UniqueID)].PlayerName + " ^7speed : ^3" + (MCI.Info[i].Speed / 91), Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 6, 30, 163, ButtonX, ButtonID, Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].UniqueID, 2, false);

byte ButtonID = 85; // Replace 5 with whatever you want the ID of the first button to be...
byte ButtonX = 12; // Or whatever you want the first button to be...

for (int i = 0; i < Players.Count; i++)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("" + Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[1].PLID)].UniqueID)].PlayerName + " ^7speed : ^3" + (MCI.Info[i].Speed / 91), Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 6, 30, 163, 12,85, Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].UniqueID, 2, false);

ButtonX += 7; //Replace 6 with the height of each button + 1

i put it after where it does the speed/cash thing
doesnt work, are we overseeing something?
Have you even read the help I posted a few posts up? It explains what's wrong with that code, but it's still the same as the first post...
now i have, but i still havnt figured it out
New problem, when someone's .txt in C:\users isn't found, it normally makes it, but i get a error: File C:\users\[username].txt is not found

and i frequently have this line:
Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].Payout += ConvSpeed;

Any idea's?
engaged police.
hi, i've just set this up and i think its fantastic!

anyways. On most cruise servers i've been on when a cop is in a chase a flashing word appears in the middle of the screen how is this done?

could it be done by putting a button there?

dam thats hard, can i have a step 1 step 2 step 3 ect. tutorial?? :P
Well ill add my bit in...
hia peeps

have to say thanks everyone who helped and a special thanks to dougie-lampkin & mcgas001 for there Tutorials and open source Apps + bits of code hidden in forums here and there,


ive taken the Cruise Tutorial from here butcherd it to **** then found doug's couise app and added bits from there, changed it all about and created loads of bugs but its working and i call it my Race Syestem
the only thing its missing and would love for someone to add and re-post it here is a bonus syestem for new lap times etc...

so here it is i call it finnished but its not complete

Check it out online, Race World [1]
Attached files
Cruise Tutorial.rar - 194 KB - 480 views
Still amazes me to this day how much this acutally helped people. Good to see the budding programmers of today having a little fun with it.

Keep up the good work. Its way beyond me now - I haven't programmed in months.
I wanna try to start coding InSim stuff. But i don't get sh*t of what the help manual stuff is saying XD so i wonder what file am i gonna start coding? Let's take the Lc insim as an example, if i wanna get a refund or change the name of it. Where do i do so?
I use the Visual Studio C# .
Let's say i want to both change name and add a refund function. Where do i do that?
I credit you for the Lc insim, but i can't find what file to edit if i wanna change name, refund command (add) and some more, where do i find that? what file?
when I say !pay 1000 I pay money to server but cops didn't get anything. why?
Quote from bananas111 :when I say !pay 1000 I pay money to server but cops didn't get anything. why?

Because it's not implemented in the code to do that?
Quote from Guthix :I wanna try to start coding InSim stuff. But i don't get sh*t of what the help manual stuff is saying XD so i wonder what file am i gonna start coding? Let's take the Lc insim as an example, if i wanna get a refund or change the name of it. Where do i do so?
I use the Visual Studio C# .
Let's say i want to both change name and add a refund function. Where do i do that?

Open Form1.cs or Cruise App.cs and edit what you need. If you don't found, your mod not editing.
hi,who can help me with a cruise insim? help
Quote from rycyu :hi,who can help me with a cruise insim? help

You should write what exactly you're having trouble with if you want help.
Quote from PoVo :You should write what exactly you're having trouble with if you want help.

with all i want a cruise like LSC or UC
Quote from rycyu :with all i want a cruise like LSC or UC

Search the forum and download
Well when i start up the insim it goes fine but then it shutsdown and gives an error. Because it doesent have a users folder and i dont know ere that is
UF1 force command for crashers (volcomy2) DELETED by volcomy2