Head-to-Head: Server Notice
Well guys a small heads up for tomorrow, I am still looking for a server since I am no longer with Storm Racing. I don't really want to get into the details of that but things are not the way I had been hoping they would go. If anyone has a server that I could use for the event please PM me. I will need the IP of the LFS Server, and the InSim Port so that I could run the Head-to-Head System. Sorry this has happened and we will find someway to work around it. You will also notice the Head-to-Head website is down, I don't know how long this is for but we will get the championship points on the forum here as soon as we can.
#2 - AMB
Hey Blackbird, I will have a word with the spdo guys and see if it's possible for you to use our server, i'll post back if it's possible.
We are supplying the server for the remainder of the season.
Quote from BigTime :We are supplying the server for the remainder of the season.

Where's your server located? It was pretty laggy for me last round.
I can't say I noticed much lag, specially during the Head-to-Head races. I do believe the server is in the US. Hopefully then the next ones will be less laggy for you but idk.
#6 - Jambo
US might be laggy for me i dont know.

20MB supposable so we will see
I did notice lag but a slightly laggy server is better than no server at all.
#8 - AMB
Well I did ask Josh if we could use spdo server and he said yes (UK Server) but not long after I heard CoRe was supplying a server, probably better since we might need ours for league practice, and CoRe probably has more than one..
#9 - Kdovi
Or we can use one of 4 never used Dynamic Racing servers (Germany) if needed
I think this situation has been closed with CoRe racing being the official sponsor allowing us to use their server for the remaining two events. If there is any horrible experiences in the next event than I may consider moving elsewhere however, CoRe stepped up and gave us a hand when we needed it, no need to run away. If people think this is that large of an issue please start PMing me, however I felt the last event was just as well as any of the others. I personally didn't see lag, and have only heard a few minor complaints so lets see where it brings us.

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