PC with LFS stolen, what to do?
(28 posts, started )
PC with LFS stolen, what to do?
Amongst other things my PC with LFS was stolen from my house. Is there anything I can do to prevent LFS being used with my account on this pc?
Quote from ChaseMe :Amongst other things my PC with LFS was stolen from my house. Is there anything I can do to prevent LFS being used with my account on this pc?

change that game and web passowrd on your account
#3 - J@tko
Yes but LFS S2 will still be running.

Yes, you will need to change the password, i would contact the devs to ensure only you can get online.
AFAIK, the game checks the password each time it's used online. So S2 will only be usable offline, and as soon as he tries to go online, it will lock. But change all of your passwords as soon as possible. If you use Firefox, and have it set to remember your passwords, make sure to change the important ones too.
Thanks guys, good info.
actually maybe keeping the password the same might be a good thing.... if someone trys to use your lfs account, would that not long an IP address somewhere? it might give you a good chance to find out where your computer is at.... just a thought though.
lol someone really wanted to play LFS badly. Stealing your game AND the PC with it lol.
#8 - dadge
people don't just turn on stolen pc's. they usually get reformatted within 24hours of them being stolen. the computer would also not be connected to the internet until after the format.......usually.
Quote from Riders Motion :lol someone really wanted to play LFS badly. Stealing your game AND the PC with it lol.

Actually, they left the racing frame with the G25 attached. My PC was amongst the $18,400 worth of what they took. Total clean out!
Quote from dadge :people don't just turn on stolen pc's. they usually get reformatted within 24hours of them being stolen. the computer would also not be connected to the internet until after the format.......usually.

even if the PC is formatted, as soon as they register the pc with another OS ( as long as its win xp or newer ) you should be able to find out where your computer is, well at least microsoft will know. Your pc stores all the S/N with microsoft... i dont know if you have ever replaced anything large in the pc such as the mother bord or the processor, but as soon as you do you are prompted to re activate your computer. Microsoft has a huge database that associates the numbers in yoru computer with the product code that you had registered to the computer.

If i was you i would just call microsoft and inform them that the computer has been stolen.

All that being said, if they install a non microsoft OS or they just never use the computer online, well then you will never find it....

best of luck to ya.
If it's not been split for spares.
Quote from beefy696969 :All that being said, if they install a non microsoft OS or they just never use the computer online, well then you will never find it....

You really think someone that steals computers is going to have bought a legitimate copy of Windows?
Quote from Bob Smith :You really think someone that steals computers is going to have bought a legitimate copy of Windows?

lol thats true if the STOLE the pc why buy a windows xp or vishita when they can get it for free XD
where were you when you got robbed!?
Quote from chanoman315 :not in his/her house for sure

I think he was playing lfs at that time so he didn't notice anything,
and when they robbed his computer he got into sleep.
LFS is dangerous, you can't focus on two things when you play lfs

nah, I really hope you get all your stuff back!
mmm. once they stole a broken vcr, my dads shaving razor and they droped oy moms heck book on there way out but man,,, a cleanout, that sucks...
Yeah +1

At least he didn't make a 'OMG all my stuff was stolen please console me' thread which would just end up as spam, as usual.
Quote from J@tko :At least he didn't make a 'OMG all my stuff was stolen please console me' thread which would just end up as spam, as usual.

Well, I would have done that
Quote from Bob Smith :You really think someone that steals computers is going to have bought a legitimate copy of Windows?

do you really think that someone who has to live a life of crime to survive would have the knowledge to download/crack a copy of windows?

anyone that plugs a stolen computer into the internet is a dumba$$
Quote from J@tko :Yeah +1

At least he didn't make a 'OMG all my stuff was stolen please console me' thread which would just end up as spam, as usual.

"RIP My Stuff "
Do you really think all those fallacies are valid? do yourself a favor and change your game password ASAP before you get an UGLY surprise . and J@tko be nice to him, all his stuff was stolen wish that never happens to you.
Quote from ChaseMe :Actually, they left the racing frame with the G25 attached....

Dang, I knew I forgot to grab something....
(-.-)... dood... WHY DIDNT YOU GRAB IT??? oh yeah, its takes time to take it off... hey, atleast you didnt loose another $150
(bmwe30m3) DELETED by bmwe30m3

PC with LFS stolen, what to do?
(28 posts, started )