Hi Everyone,
Just thought i would post my problem with my wheel here before i go out and buy a new one.
my Logitech G25 starts off centered then after a few laps or some becomes offcentered sometimes up to 30-40 degrees. left or Right depends which direction is used more.
I have tried ...
Clear Calibrating
New Drivers
With/Without Logitech Gaming Software
Any help would be much appreciated.
If there are any guides/tutorials out there to repair the G25 please let me know.
Just thought i would post my problem with my wheel here before i go out and buy a new one.
my Logitech G25 starts off centered then after a few laps or some becomes offcentered sometimes up to 30-40 degrees. left or Right depends which direction is used more.
I have tried ...
Clear Calibrating
New Drivers
With/Without Logitech Gaming Software
Any help would be much appreciated.

If there are any guides/tutorials out there to repair the G25 please let me know.