Had the first lessons with the Itek racing school today, it was pretty kickass and something i definetly reccommend to any begginer or one who wants to get faster, for today, i was pretty much their only student that was there. it was cool, they used teamspeak to talk to me while i drove, they gave me a few laps and studied how i drove and then showed me certain things i was doing wrong, like the line, speed, when i should be braking, throttling for each corner of the track. it really cut time off my pb (BLgp) i was actually running around consistent 1.40+ (XFG) and they helped me manage to get it down to consistent 1.35.XX-1.36.XX which feels great.
they had a really good way of teaching, though im not sure if they planned to do it this way. when more "instructors" arrived they began to have one guy on the track with me, leading and chasing, while another person was there on teamspeak watching me and telling me when i should be braking, where to stay on the road, when to throttle and overall generally trying to guide me through the corners. i liked this way, since i was able to focus on the road, i had the car in front of me leading me, so it felt like i had a goal to reach, and i had the person there on teamspeak to help give me advice to improve and not **** up as much. the leading and chasing thing was great, it taught me what to do in certain situations, and the team wasnt there to show off their speed, when they led, they didnt try to pull away, but they focus on my driving.
what i think really helped, was that i was focused on one car and one track, Itek really got me to learn that specific track (BL) and car(XFG), so i learned about what i should be doing in that car on that track. what would be good for future lessons imo, would be taking through people through each course until they know that course well, and move on to another course, giving them time to really familiarize themselves with the track (granted this probaly would take sometime with each student)
i dont have many negative thigns to say, other than teamspeak can mumble voices soemtime and it mite become hard to understand, or maybe i just want more vareity in tracks and cars, (but that just might be my own impatient:shrug
but im sure theyll bring us to differnet tracks and cars,
besides all the learning done there, i had a really fun time, racing around, trying to put what they told me in use against the ITEK team, it was just good, its nice having a voice over you thats trying to help. its also great, that they didnt seem mad, when i would consistently do stuff wrong.
i really recommend this to anyone that wants to learn more, this team really knows what they are doing.
i also really hope thsi school stays around, its definitely goign to affect the LFS community postively if more people come in and take it seriously.
as for teaching demo players, this would probaly be great for them, but i can also see many of them abusing it, my suggestion on the topic to teach the ones that are serious about it (might be hard to pinpoint) or maybe host lessons for demo players sometimes and see the feedback you get at those times.
and thanks it really was a good experience for me and i appreicate all the things you guys taught me. see you guys next time!
they had a really good way of teaching, though im not sure if they planned to do it this way. when more "instructors" arrived they began to have one guy on the track with me, leading and chasing, while another person was there on teamspeak watching me and telling me when i should be braking, where to stay on the road, when to throttle and overall generally trying to guide me through the corners. i liked this way, since i was able to focus on the road, i had the car in front of me leading me, so it felt like i had a goal to reach, and i had the person there on teamspeak to help give me advice to improve and not **** up as much. the leading and chasing thing was great, it taught me what to do in certain situations, and the team wasnt there to show off their speed, when they led, they didnt try to pull away, but they focus on my driving.
what i think really helped, was that i was focused on one car and one track, Itek really got me to learn that specific track (BL) and car(XFG), so i learned about what i should be doing in that car on that track. what would be good for future lessons imo, would be taking through people through each course until they know that course well, and move on to another course, giving them time to really familiarize themselves with the track (granted this probaly would take sometime with each student)
i dont have many negative thigns to say, other than teamspeak can mumble voices soemtime and it mite become hard to understand, or maybe i just want more vareity in tracks and cars, (but that just might be my own impatient:shrug

besides all the learning done there, i had a really fun time, racing around, trying to put what they told me in use against the ITEK team, it was just good, its nice having a voice over you thats trying to help. its also great, that they didnt seem mad, when i would consistently do stuff wrong.
i really recommend this to anyone that wants to learn more, this team really knows what they are doing.
i also really hope thsi school stays around, its definitely goign to affect the LFS community postively if more people come in and take it seriously.
as for teaching demo players, this would probaly be great for them, but i can also see many of them abusing it, my suggestion on the topic to teach the ones that are serious about it (might be hard to pinpoint) or maybe host lessons for demo players sometimes and see the feedback you get at those times.
and thanks it really was a good experience for me and i appreicate all the things you guys taught me. see you guys next time!