LFS license: Bean0
Online screen name: CR|Bean0
Car: FZ5 (but I could also be persuaded to use the XRT if need be )
Do you accept the rules: wheyayeman
I've been messing with MRTs recently, but in a rather warped way I'm looking forward to getting the Race About out of the garage next weekend. Be good to race alongside some familiar faces again.
Just to Clarify. Is it 20:00GMT ---- PS. Sorry if i cant make it. Football Match at 16:00 gmt, get back about 19:15 and got to eat. Should make it though
To be honest I find using UTC (which is displayed in LFS) is the easiest way, I don't know the time zones in Europe or other places of the world. IDK, my opinion
EDIT: Doh, you used it up above in your first post!