The online racing simulator
Auto-lock for old threads
(12 posts, started )
Auto-lock for old threads
It's not really a game improvement, but I know that with vBulletin, you can enable an option that will lock threads with no replies after a certain amount of time. Imo this should be enabled here because we often see peoples bumping a thread 'that was posted yesterday' of the last year. I hope this will be done.
#2 - Jakg
What a stupid idea.

Everyone bitches about necroposts, but everyone bitches about reposts - wtf are you meant to do?

"annoying" bumps are those that are "yeah d00d" and "+1" but theres nothing you can do to seperate them from contructive bumps.
Would cause problems, as Jakd tells. Most people would just bump their old post to keep them alive, and it would be twice the spam than today.

Let's keep it like it is now, we don't need more than this.
also instead of bumping old threads, they'll start new ones with the same topics...
Bumping old threads should be allowed if they add something to that discussion, and saves a new thread being made. But if the thread is bumped just to say "lol" (which we see now and again) then that's not so good.

I say leave it as it is.
How about auto ban of anyone who ever just posts "lol"?
I remember suggesting a while back that there should be a public archive. Threads that are open to searches but closed to replies. So that way people could check if a subject had been discussed already and see how it was resolved, but they couldn't bump it again.

Combine that with some thread combining and we could have a pretty decent system.
I think the bumping of older threads is partly due to the similar threads search that occurs when you try and make a new post. I still think that the mod is more of a use than a hinderance.

Anyway, if people just let the 'pointless bumnp' go, then that would be that...but no, people feel that the person needs to be told (repeatedly) that the thread is old, they fail, etc, etc.

More strict deleting of really pointless posts with no warning may help to solve the problem.
Nah, we just need to harass and demean anyone who says "why bump an old thread", or any language attempting the same meaning. Have them stoned and whipped, then they'll shut up
why revive an aged topic?

This topic was 1 hour old.

Auto-lock for old threads
(12 posts, started )