The online racing simulator
Just when you think you've got your setup sorted . . .
You learn something new.

See, this is why I love this game. I got myself sorted out with a blinding setup (My own I hasten to add*. Making a setup, for me, is one of the best parts of LFS). It was giving me mid 1.43's on AST. NAT. on a regular basis, on a mouse at that, so I thought 'right, time to go and take this show on the road'.

Whoaaaa, I had to say. This is nuts. That shithot setup I had, ain't so shithot on Kyoto, or on BW. But I know my shit now, so I change a few things, get competative. Start lowering my PB's. Then I start talking to the fast guys, looking at some of thier sets. And they arn't just different, they are COMPLETLY different . . .

Man, just when I thought I got it sorted LFS gets me thinking, changing and testing again.

God I love this game.

If there is one thing this game has taught me it's . . . . don't fear change. Change is good. Change could give you a PB.

*When I say my own sets. What I really mean is mostly my own sets. There are some track or car idiosyncracies that a layman like me just would never get from reading the manual or testing. So even though I might have gathered info from other sets I still profess to making my own. Honest guv.
#2 - Calum
very true
yip ,

in my limited experience so far , it truly is an excellent side to this game , and again , i use F1 ( that i enjoy alot ) as an example ...

LFS is just too realistic What works for one in one track , will almost defintely need adjustments for another track , just like F1 racing , all those different courses and tempratures means its excellent fun to do just like the pros do , and do practice laps on a circuit before actually racing on it. Then that gives good advice on what needs to be changed , perhaps tyre pressures slightly , or whatever it is , to give you your best possible lap time on that track. Moving onto another circuit for the next race of the season means , yet again , spending all weekdays testing and trying for the next new PB on the new circuit.

! excellent

I would just like to add that the fastest drive does not always win.
#4 - Calum
true , but it does help for sure.

( sits hear typing this having just run a 1:39:50 around BL Rev in the GTI ) lol

There are no substitutes for 2 things:

1) Actual testing of different sets to see what works
2) Looking at lots of other good setups to see what other people have done
I use only setups made by others. I sometimes do little adjusting but generally I'm 100% dependant on team inferno atm.

I think I have about 2-4 setups that I have made myself and actually use them.
i dont take setups from anyone, 99% of the sets out there are EXPLOIT sets, if you want to cheat to be faster, be my guest.

Good thing you are doing your own, its best since you know what you can do to get that tenth of a second less on the next adj.
99% of the people who play lfs are cheaters then, just because the physics aren't perfect yet.. eh whatever, It'll get fixed soon so you can relax.
Not everybody has time to learn all aspect of mecanics you can setup in lfs. Example, i can usually setups couple things right, but i've never managed to setup a good suspension... I don't understand enough how it work. Since it's such an important part of the setup, well you get the point.
I'm from the Cole Trickle school of race drivers.
i.e. I love driving, but lack the skill/paitence/time to make my own setups.

Therefore I get all my setups from 'teh interweb'.

if in say... counter strike, someone abuses an exploit and pwnz everyone, in what category would he be placed in?

-Highly intelligent for finding the exploit and abusing it
-Total Hax0rz
-or simply someone that cant live with playing on a level field, and decided to take advantage of a glitch that is there...

Im a very competetive person by nature, and "honorable" you could say, something which unfortunately has practically vanished in this day and age so i personally find it very irritating to see these high nose setups..

dont take it personally or anything, we've had some good races together and all, but its just that its been irritating me since the first day someone found out that by raising their nose they get higher top speed.... Specially when someone like me, spend hours figuring out a legit set, that is pretty good, to end up being beat by a person that d/l the hax set.

Sry for the rant bud, and please dont take it personally.
Quote from Calum :true , but it does help for sure.

( sits hear typing this having just run a 1:39:50 around BL Rev in the GTI ) lol


Have you tried the inferno setup for GTI - BL Rev? That setup seems to be very easy for anyone.

On topic, 99% of the time I use someone else's setup. Just because I know a certain laptime is possible with that... if I can't do that time then my driving is to blame.
thanks traxxion for the info , i'll try that out.

I simply ask for a fast persons setup , then dont change the final drives / gears very much , and just alter all the other stuff for my personal preference.

I think if you don't take advantage of the high nose bug (for example) at the moment then you can't race competativly. If everyone knows about it and everyone is using it to some degree or another then it kinda takes the exploitation factor out of it. And anyway, once the new physics patch is in place everyone is going to have to change their sets and driving styles to match anyway. I'm not a great SS racer so the high nose bug doesn't neccesarily effect me. But I do use the FZR which can be seen to exploit it on occasion. To me, actually, the reason I run my nose fairly high is that as it doesn't have any aero deficits (Like flipping the car over on the straights) then it enables me to use more brake force (As a mouser, braking can be difficult) by having the nose riding softer and allowing the tyres to grip for longer . . .

But I shall relish the change when it happens and look forward to testing my setups all over again . . .
its funny how your taste in setups change with experience.

what i liked to use on demo when i first started and found to be easy to drive now seems to be way to tail happy, having said that since using single seaters i cant drive any of the non wing saloons at all
yip ,

i must say , i hadnt heard about this high-nose thing until this post , but being still on DEMO , it probably wont matter , as there is problems staying on the track on some DEMO servers let alone getting a to top speed lol.

The new physics patch does sound good , will have S2 license by then

well, funnybear, look at my stats on lfsworld, i think im competetive enough to not have to resort to abusing glitches.... I guess it makes winning that little bit more satisfying.

Anyhow, im pretty much relegated to put up with it, so... i guess i'll stop ranting now :P.

As for the setups, i find it evolves with time, as you try new things, for example, for the f08 i always had F1 like sets, pretty stiff with little damping, as i drive more and more, im finding that a softer suspension is more suitable for keeping the power down, trick is to maintain the nimbleness.... so its allways evolving... a lot of trial and error, but the payoff is worth it.
If you enter into the S2 world Calum (which I strongly urge you to do) then the high nose bug is something that effects downforce cars espeacially. It seems that the reflective force from the spoilers only operates as a 'direct' reflection. I.e the force pressing the car down is reflected perpendicilar to the angle of the Spoilers. So if the spoiler is pointing backwards (Using a high nose setup and the absense of ground effect) then it effectily adds a propulsive effect to the car giving you more bang for your buck.

It's only really obvious on tracks where top speed is paramount. You can't drive without using the exploit on the Oval. But on other tracks it really doesn't interfere so much.

It's a big thing for the single seaters but the only other car I have heard that might be effected by it with any great degree is the FZR. But that was only in passing so I'm not sure how true that is.
i see now i think ,

funnybear thanks for the info and explanation.

I made plenty of setups in the early days of S2 alpha, but now I'm almost totally reliant on what I have seen others do with their setups. I would never have even tried a locked diff in a GTi, or the crazily low tyre pressures that you sometimes see, and I certainly wouldn't have jacked the nose of the FOX up like that.
Yeah, there are some curious pratices going on in the setups, taking advantage of certain physics flaws.

Just one remark about this nose bug: In the world of LFS there are certain laws of physics, which aren't the same as in the real world.

So, until LFS-physics get closer to real-life physics (which will happen very soon hopefully), I don't see any problem in using the nose-bug, which is part of the LFS-physics.

Since everyone knows it, everyone can use it. Even if it isn't realistic.

What counts for me is, that all racers are driving under the same conditions, so that only driving skills and setup-skills are making the difference.

Not using the nose bug at the moment might be an ethically praiseworthy behaviour, but then you are making life unecessarily hard for you (in my opinion).

In the end, LFS is just a game and not the real life. You can only simulate real-life physics up to certain limits, e.g. you have no g-forces and there's also the tyres bug, which you cannot change with your set.

But anyway, the physics will be changed very soon and this discussion will come to an end by then. And I really was irritated too when I first saw these high noses

Keep racing.
#23 - Vain
My high-nose-statement:
It looks silly, I don't use it. I won't ever finish a race in the FOX as first, but who cares. That's better than driving such a silly setup.

My setup-statement:
When I try a new combo I usually make my own setup. When I know the track and drive competitive times with my setup I get online and take a look at other people's setups. Usually I end up using a setup someone gave me, but that's because I don't fully understand all aspects of the setups.
Often I also use the setups from other people as an inspiration. Like "Hey, I never thought of that idea!" and do something similar in my own setup, influenced by my own preference.

#24 - mr_x
the only thing i know how to adjust on setups is suspension (height and stiffness only) and tyre pressures, the rest i have no idea about, so i usually ask for someones setup and adjust it to my own preferance through suspension and tyre perssures, 75% of the time the setup suits my driving style (or my driving style goes into the type of set), so i dont have to change it much, if at all, but sometimes there is one that understeers too much, so change suspension and tyres and its fine for me.

i will have to learn how to make setups soon, must be a great sense of acheivement when you get one right and see a PB appear at the top of the screen.
I can't build setups from scratch. I have no idea where to start. I have no idea what the car needs starting from garbage. I rely on either inferno (which I usually try to set the nose back to reasonable heights) or the kind folks and friends on the servers.

I can take a given set and tweak it here and there for my driving. A click here, a click there. Get the back a little looser, tighten up the front, whatever, I just don't know where to start with making my own set. I did it way back in the beginning of my demo days and someone said, "what the heck did you do to your set?" I was like, "er, I don't know."

There's my question for you all who do make your own sets. What do you start with? Someone elses set? The default Race_1 set?