DB was good? I never watched it. I watched snippets but never the whole thing, but from what i saw wasn't quite as god as DBZ.
I would disagree though, cell saga is the best Only because Gohan is my favorite character and he goes Super Saiyan 1 in that saga. And he's the first person to ever go super Saiyan 2!!!! But after the cell saga they just ruined Gohan Gay Saiyaman
But if i was to be unbiased then id say the Freeza saga is indeed the best.
DB was good, not as good as DBZ. Also i didn't like cell saga because it just felt stupid with hercule, a bit like the gay sayaman. Although when gohan does that big kamahamaha at the end to beat cell, the picture with his dad was awsome, i drew it infact, but cant find it anywhere.
Hmm fair enough, gay Hercule ruins it all lol.
Yeah the big Kamehameha pawns! How they put goku in was really touching lol, seeing as he was "dead" an all.
I like your drawings, especially the gohan in training one
I wish i could draw cause then id draw some amazing dbz fights lol.
To me al the dragonball series are ethe suxcor sorry fort the fans but i hate it no personall offence
@ lerts
Whyen watching bleack for the sake of ur own health skip the bount arc it was not in the manga wich translates to it beighn.......... crap
Il later find out for you wich ep those ore so you can avoid them
Lol just jocking but as far as DBZ goes my fav chracter in al of the siers stil is kid boo that smal lil anoying pest.
He was like so evil and so strong and made him whel.... cool
So kid boo by far the most evil bad as evil bastard in all of dragon ball z
so we al agree DBZ was atleast cool at that time
I started watching Gundam Seed again (4th time ) and I'm gonna be buying a 1/100 MG Launcher/Sword Strike Gundam kit next week to acompany my 1/100 MG Aile Strike model I got earlier this year. I'll prob have the other 4 GAT series Gundams by the end of the year too.
I wouldn't mind seeing some pics fo them and the mask aswell.
I've been meaning to make Ichigo's Bankai in 3ds max after finding a tutorial for making a Katana, i'll probably post a render of it when I get round to doing it.