The online racing simulator
New Dimension Racing: Penalties
This thread will have a current listing of all drivers on New Dimension Racing penalty, such as probation or exclusions.

Probation is defined as being on "thin ice" - any actions you do contrary to the rules may see you with a stiffer penalty, if those infractions occur during the probation period. Probation applies to any event adminned and organized by an NDR official, or run with NDR support.

Exclusion means that you are banned from entering official NDR events during your exclusion period.

Both of these are appealable via email to

The following are currently on probation, from the dates listed.

LFSName Start Date End Date Duration

The following are currently banned from [NDR] events, from the dates listed.

LFSName Start Date End Date Duration
Griffin SimRacing 29 October 2009 Never Indefinite/Permanent
[NO]Kill 29 October 2009 Never Indefinite/Permanent
bluejudas 29 October 2009 Never Indefinite/Permanent
buzzn 29 October 2009 Never Indefinite/Permanent
[NO]Ben 29 October 2009 Never Indefinite/Permanent
go_carter 29 October 2009 Never Indefinite/Permanent
Gjerde 29 October 2009 Never Indefinite/Permanent
powersocke 18th March 2011 Never Indefinite/Permanent
pludda 18th March 2011 Never Indefinite/Permanent
Bash0r 18th March 2011 Never Indefinite/Permanent
soapy_bits Not Recorded Never Permanent
cybix Not Recorded Never Permanent
r1hard 16 September 2012 Never Permanent
fred7125 26 December 2013 Never Indefinite
osca0720 26 December 2013 Never Indefinite
theis1997 26 December 2013 Never Indefinite

[HR] Colton has been banned for 6 months from New Dimension Racing evens for intentional wrecking in two oval events held under the auspices of New Dimesion Racing.

In addition, after the ban ends, there will be an additional three month probationary period for him.

Effective from 08 August 2008.
Driver of Car 333 (faster111) was found to have blocked, caused avoidable incidents, and shown a general disregard of other cars on circuit. For this, he will be excluded from participating in Round 3 of the Live for Speed Beginner's Cup, and will be on New Dimension Racing Probation for three months from Tuesday, 19 August 2008.
In conjunction with Formula Racing, racer hero is banned from New Dimension Racing events until further notice, for repeated disrespect towards other racers and administrators after warnings to stop.

This ban has the following conditions:

- The ban does not apply to all NDR events. Events which are held on servers that are not Formula Racing owned, are exempt from this ban.
- racer hero is up for parole from the ban with consideration between standard Panel review(As per NDR Sporting code) in conjunction with Mazar of Formula Racing.
- The ban does not start until after completion of MiniFBM on 20 December

During the NDR 2008 Christmas Event, driver n23 was found to have had a general lack of respect for other racers, failure to provide reasonable racing room, caused several avoidable incidents, and did not exercise proper overtaking when overtaking for position or lapping cars. The driver was also found to have intentionally braked just past split 1 on the backstretch at around the 1:31 mark, causing an incident with two other cars.

This behaviour is not tolerated at New Dimension Racing. It reflects poorly on our organization, and also on Live for Speed in general. Careless behaviour is not what LFS is about, and can hinder the enjoyment and races of competitors. In accordance with this, the penalty for n23 is as follows:

- Exclusion from race results.
- Eighteen (18) month Ban from all New Dimension Racing supported events.
- Following the end of the ban, a further six (6) month New Dimension Racing Probation.

For terms and definitions as to the ban and probation as they are in NDR, please check out the NDR Sporting Code.
EliteAti is being excluded from NDR Events and the NDR Public Server for 12 months for his reckless driving and erratic driving in Kyoto 250 Practice Session 10. His attitudes in the post-race discussion indicate that there was no intention of driving cleanly, and this is not the sort of attitude that we wish to accept. The ban is effective immediately.

This is being qft'ed and placed here for reference from the Murray Motorspot Cup Section, in the Round 4 Race Discussion thread, regarding the Car 21 in that series, driven by n-murray.


Quote from dekojester :Car 21 has been Excluded from this Round. The reasons are: Lack of Situational Awareness, Causing Avoidable Incidents, Reckless Driving, Intentional/Revenge Wrecking, and Unsporting Behavior. This round will not be counted as a drop round to enforce the penalty aspect. Car 21 is also being placed on suspended one-race MMS exclusion. This suspended sentence lasts for 6 months. If at a future MMS event he repeats this behavior, he will be immediately excluded from the remainder of the round in which it occurs.

Furthermore, as per the NDR Sporting Code, when NDR admins an event as race directors, the right is given to also apply penalties in NDR territory. The exact wording actually allows NDR penalties to be enforced in the same event, but that will not be exercised here. Car 21 is recieving a 9-month ban from NDR events, which is to be followed by a 12-month probationary period following the ban's conclusion. This ban WILL NOT be enforced except NDR created and run events unless Car 21 exhibits the behavior in the MMS remaining time.

The ban is effective immediately from 29 July 2009.
Whereas the fifth round of the 2009 Formula Junior Season was run with a member of NDR present as the administrative Staff, and whereas the following incident occured in the Feature Race of said event, the following actions are being taken:

Driver of Formula Junior Car 53, Niclas Nylund (Zoom nikkeij) on two occasions, took deliberate actions to interfere with the race of driver of Formuls Junior Car 33, Yann Lapprevotte (GreyBull[CHA]). Incidents occured on Laps 23 and 26 from the perspective of Car 53.

The following NDR Sporting Code articles have been deemed to have been breached in this incident:

Article III.1.a. and III.2.a. - Regarding Personal Conduct in an event. Article III.1.a. has been breached with acting in an unsporting manner, Article III.2.a. has been breached with driving in a dangerous manner.

Article IX of the NDR Sporting Code allows the following actions to be taken:

Driver Zoom nikkeij is excluded for a period of 24 Months from NDR events for these actions. This will follow the Exclusion rules and procedures set out in the NDR Sporting Code, Article XI. Upon completion of the exclusion period, there will be an automatic probationary period of 6 weeks.

Exclusion is effective from 5 September 2009.
Kenneth O'Keefe has been permitted to participate in iTCC, on the following conditions:

His exclusion stands for all other NDR events.
His 12 month probationary period for the 4 suspended months of his ban is effective at this time.
Any actions in iTCC affect his suspended ban; ie unsporting behaviour will see the waiver for iTCC revoked, and his ban extended with the 4 months applied on.
Anton "EliteAti" Moroz has been unbanned from NDR Events upon request and consideration by the NDR team. He will however be put on probation for what would have been the remainder of his ban period.
Quote from dekojester :Kenneth O'Keefe has been permitted to participate in iTCC, on the following conditions:

His exclusion stands for all other NDR events.
His 12 month probationary period for the 4 suspended months of his ban is effective at this time.
Any actions in iTCC affect his suspended ban; ie unsporting behaviour will see the waiver for iTCC revoked, and his ban extended with the 4 months applied on.

An appeal to the penalties for Kenneth O'Keefe was received. The following action has been taken regarding the appeal:

The probationary period left after the MiniFBM penalty has had the remaining time which was to be applied at the end of the suspended exclusion's waived.

The suspended ban's effective period has been reduced to 6 months from 12.

The exclusion after GTAL was deemed to have been what would have been issued if the probation had not been in effect at the time, but the suspended ban effectiveness period was reduced as a slight compensation action.

EDIT (Added for clarification): The 2 month exclusion stays in effect on its original dates.
arox123 has received a ban from NDR servers which extends to all events for racist/bigoted and foul language in the server. The ban was entered as an LFS ban command for 999 days, but Airio took it as 231, and will stand as a 231 day ban.
J. Hagner (hondaliiga) on two month's ban for intentional wrecking during GTAL 2011 Round 4.

R. Kings (Bmxtwins) on three month's ban for unsporting behaviour in the GTAL server during open practice time.
Driver Joonas Koskinen (DarknessPainF1) has been issued an exclusion from all NDR events for a period of 3 months, from 20 June to 20 September 2012. The exclusion has been implemented after unsporting actions over multiple days in the 2012 Kyoto 500 Practice Sessions area, including brake-checking a fellow driver, deliberate failure to serve issued penalties, and intentionally running into a parked course car.

This exclusion has been levied with light consideration of the LFSCART Light probation issued to the driver during the previous season. Had that probation been active, this exclusion may have been longer. However, that probation has been taken as evidence that this driver needs more corrective actions.

Discussions have been made with his team manager who has handled the situation on their end as well, as deemed appropriate by them.
Two Exclusions have been levied.

Rihard Suur (r1hard) has been awarded a 3 month exclusion from all NDR events for multiple intentional contacts with course cars and other stricken cars during June 30th's Kyoto 500. This exclusion is effective from the date of the event.

Tomasz Nogiec (IMOL) has been awarded a 3 month exclusion from all NDR events for another instance of unauthorized access to an NDR server. He has gotten the password by unauthorized means before. This is considered a breach of security - a driver who has no need to be in a passworded server should not have the passwoed.


Joe Letteriello (Yuusei) is placed on a 3 month's NDR Probation for his actions that led to his Disqualifiation from the 2012 Kyoto 500. The driver recanted and otherwise acknowledged his error following the event, and will be placed on probation as a matter of course. This probation is effective from the date of the 2012 Kyoto 500.
Rihard Suur (r1hard) was originally issued a 3-month exclusion from All NDR events for multiple intentional contacts with course cars and other stricken cars during June 30th's Kyoto 500. It was set to expire on 30th September 2012.

On 16th September 2012, it was found that Suur had set a 0:07.58 !top laptime in the GT2 World Series server. Upon further investigation, this was found to be the result of using a teleporting hack to bypass most of the track and only cross the splits.

This evidence found and audited, has resulted in the following actions:

Rihard Suur's exclusion has been extended to a permanent ban.
Suur's time has been deleted from the affected Airio Database.
Jesse "Iginla" Telkkala's exclusion has had the remainder of his exclusion suspended until further notice. There are 5 days remaining on it.

The Driver is hereby placed on NDR Probation Until Further Notice.

This action was undertaken to allow him to participate in the 2013 LFSCART Season Finale. He will be monitored during any event he participates in, and after sufficient excellent behaviour, the 5 remaining days will be commuted, and the probation lifted.

The remaining days of the ban may be reinstated in conjunction with any penalty levied that is deemed suitable to apply it to during his probationary period.
Two drivers added to exclusions list; one driver and one team placed on probation list after this incident.
Quote from dekojester :For repeat actions over the race weekend of unsporting behaviour, while on probation for same offence; Tomek Nogieć (IMOL) is excluded from all New Dimension Racing events until 21 June 2014 (6 months). The right to appeal this penalty is revoked due to the egregious violation of sporting behaviour during the race weekend. The probationary period remaining will resume at the conclusion of the suspension, plus 12 months.

Upon further review, self-initiated discussion with Mr. Nogieć, as well as discussions with other uninvolved drivers but being familiar to the situation, I have self-initiated a revision of this judgement.

It is as follows:
  • The right to appeal this decision by Mr. Nogieć is hereby reinstated;
  • The exclusion is suspended Until Further Notice, retroactive to 21 December 2013 (None of the suspension shall be considered served nor applied);
  • Mr. Nogieć is retroactively assigned a 6-month extension on his current probation set to expire on 21 January 2014, making it set to expire on 21 July2014;
  • Ray Kingsbury (Bmxtwins) is retroactively placed on a 6-month's suspended until futher notice exclusion from all NDR events for the same offence as the initial penalty against Mr. Nogieć;
  • Ray Kingsbury is retroactively placed on a 12-month's NDR Probation, set to expire on 21 December 2014 for the offence;
  • Ray Kingsbury is prohibited from making further appeals or protests to the administration regarding unsporting conduct or this decision until further notice. No person shall make such a protest to the administration on his behalf at this time.
The reason for this unprecedented restriction on Mr. Kingsbury is due to his repetitive and incessant complaints to the administration via multiple means of communication and the general public in NDR regarding this issue along with other issues over the course of the past few years. It has caused excessive delays in other tasks the administration are obliged to take care of. He has been found to not be free of blame in this specific incident.

All drivers are reminded that you are expected to behave in a manner that is the highest standard of behaviour and sportsmanship to their fellow competitors and administrators.

You are expected to make attempts to solve personal squabbles as mature people, with those you have the quarrel with. Contacting NDR to solve your problems for you is an extreme last resort, used when the aforementioned attempts have not been successful.

Each element of this decision may be cancelled on a case-by-case basis on offering to the administration of proof that the issue that caused this action has been resolved in a mature, polite way.
Following a report of misbehaviour in the GT World Series server on 26 December, the following are indefinately banned from NDR servers and events for intentional wrecking, unsportsmanlike conduct:

Æ VOBIS (fred7125)
Æ'MOJN (osca0720)
Æ HUGO (theis1997)
Exclusions for mariuszek22 and pajkul have expired.

IMOL's penalties have been removed from the record.
BorislavB has been placed on 12 month's NDR Probation, with a 6-month NDR Exclusion suspended, for unsporting and racist behaviour exhibited in server during the second round of the 2021 GT2 Challenge.

BorislavB is permitted to participate under this Probation, but all words and actions in an NDR server will be monitored, and the exclusion can be applied at the discretion of NDR.
The NDR Board was referred Car 88 from the 6th round of the 2021 GT2 Challenge for further action on the NDR level. The Stewards elected to disqualify him from the meeting.

The NDR Board have elected to place Sean Lee on NDR Probation for 12 months, effective from the date of the offence (21st March 2021). Sean will also have his stewarding status revoked, and will not be allowed to be in Race Control during any race meeting without advance permission.

This decision was made on the 25th March 2021
This thread is closed