Ok, here are some logs. I'll tell first the procedure I'm following:
- Start the dedicated server.
- Start the insim application (this starts the connection to insim).
- Connect a player to the server.
- Add the player to the grid and the race starts.
- MCI packets should start arriving by now.
- Vote race to end.
- After voting is complete type "!exit" to quit the insim application.
- Close the dedicated server.
I hace repeated this procedure using:
(MCI packets requested every one second via TCP)
Application log:
TCP, ISP_ISI, 0.046, send <-- InSim Initialization (ReqI != 0)
TCP, ISP_VER, 0.093, recv <-- IS_VER requested within IS_ISI
TCP, ISP_TINY, 0.109, send <-- TINY_NCN, asking for all connections
TCP, ISP_TINY, 0.109, send <-- TINY_NPL, asking for all players in grid
TCP, ISP_NCN, 0.125, recv <-- Reply to previous TINY_NCN (host is connected)
TCP, ISP_MSO, 8.578, recv <-- Text ("new guest connecting")
TCP, ISP_MSO, 9.062, recv <-- Text ("makakazo connected")
TCP, ISP_NCN, 9.062, recv <-- New player connected
TCP, ISP_MTC, 9.062, send <-- Welcome message to new player
TCP, ISP_BTN, 9.062, send <-- Buttons for X, Y, Z coordinates (this is the purpose of this example application)
TCP, ISP_BTN, 9.062, send
TCP, ISP_BTN, 9.062, send
TCP, ISP_STA, 9.109, recv <-- Race state
TCP, ISP_STA, 13.25, recv
TCP, ISP_NPL, 13.625, recv <-- Player added to grid
TCP, ISP_REO, 14.765, recv <-- Race restarting
TCP, ISP_RST, 14.765, recv <-- Race restarting
TCP, ISP_STA, 14.781, recv <-- Race state
TCP, ISP_MCI, 15.984, recv <-- MCI packets every one second
TCP, ISP_MCI, 16.984, recv
TCP, ISP_MCI, 17.984, recv
TCP, ISP_MCI, 18.984, recv
TCP, ISP_MCI, 19.984, recv
TCP, ISP_MCI, 20.984, recv
TCP, ISP_VTN, 21.89, recv <-- Player votes to end race
TCP, ISP_MSO, 21.906, recv
TCP, ISP_SMALL, 21.906, recv
TCP, ISP_MCI, 21.984, recv
TCP, ISP_MCI, 22.984, recv
TCP, ISP_MCI, 23.968, recv
TCP, ISP_TINY, 24.875, recv
TCP, ISP_TINY, 24.89, recv
TCP, ISP_STA, 24.921, recv
TCP, ISP_TINY, 30.093, recv
TCP, ISP_TINY, 30.093, send <-- Probably keepalive packet
TCP, ISP_MSO, 34.234, recv
TCP, ISP_MST, 34.234, send <-- "!exit"
Dedicated server log:
load bans
load font
create english file
load objects
start intro
end of initialisation
Track loaded
Handicaps :
InSim - TCP : X-Y-Z Pos
Host Auth :
Send Track :
Alive :
Connecting guest still alive
Send Track :
Connect :
Sent OK to new guest
Sent scrutineering packet
Told guests about new guest
A new guest is connecting
Sent guest list to new guest
Sent new user packet
[Q3] makakazo^L connected (makakazo^L)
[Q3] makakazo^L voted to END RACE
Exit : clean up
Exit : delete
[Q3] makakazo : ^L!exit
InSim guest closed : X-Y-Z Pos
shutting down
free objects
free languages
free humans
free font
free host list
kill graphics
save config
free mouse
(MCI packets requested every one second via UDP using the same port as the rest of the packets)
Application log:
UDP, ISP_ISI, 0.015, send
UDP, ISP_VER, 0.046, recv
UDP, ISP_TINY, 0.046, send
UDP, ISP_TINY, 0.046, send
UDP, ISP_NCN, 0.078, recv
UDP, ISP_MSO, 6.671, recv
UDP, ISP_MSO, 7.203, recv
UDP, ISP_NCN, 7.203, recv
UDP, ISP_MTC, 7.218, send
UDP, ISP_BTN, 7.218, send
UDP, ISP_BTN, 7.218, send
UDP, ISP_BTN, 7.218, send
UDP, ISP_STA, 7.265, recv
UDP, ISP_STA, 9.312, recv
UDP, ISP_NPL, 9.343, recv
UDP, ISP_REO, 11.375, recv
UDP, ISP_RST, 11.375, recv
UDP, ISP_STA, 11.375, recv
UDP, ISP_MCI, 12.578, recv
UDP, ISP_MCI, 13.578, recv
UDP, ISP_MCI, 14.593, recv
UDP, ISP_MCI, 15.593, recv
UDP, ISP_VTN, 15.75, recv
UDP, ISP_MSO, 15.75, recv
UDP, ISP_SMALL, 15.75, recv
UDP, ISP_MCI, 16.593, recv
UDP, ISP_MCI, 17.578, recv
UDP, ISP_MCI, 18.593, recv
UDP, ISP_TINY, 18.734, recv
UDP, ISP_TINY, 18.765, recv
UDP, ISP_STA, 18.781, recv
UDP, ISP_MSO, 22.718, recv
UDP, ISP_MST, 22.734, send
Dedicated server log:
load bans
load font
create english file
load objects
start intro
end of initialisation
Track loaded
Handicaps :
InSim - UDP : X-Y-Z Pos
Host Auth :
Send Track :
Connect :
Sent OK to new guest
Sent scrutineering packet
Told guests about new guest
A new guest is connecting
Sent guest list to new guest
Sent new user packet
[Q3] makakazo^L connected (makakazo^L)
[Q3] makakazo^L voted to END RACE
Exit : clean up
Exit : delete
[Q3] makakazo : ^L!exit
host : ^L* Closing application (requested by admin) *
InSim : unknown packet (80 bytes) - X-Y-Z Pos
InSim - UDP : no slots available
InSim - UDP : no slots available
InSim - UDP : no slots available
InSim - UDP : no slots available
InSim timeout : X-Y-Z Pos
shutting down
free objects
free languages
free humans
free font
free host list
kill graphics
save config
free mouse
(Main connections uses TCP, but MCI packets are requested every one second via UDP using a specific port)
Application log:
TCP, ISP_ISI, 0.031, send
TCP, ISP_VER, 0.031, recv
TCP, ISP_TINY, 0.031, send
TCP, ISP_TINY, 0.031, send
TCP, ISP_NCN, 0.062, recv
TCP, ISP_MSO, 4.484, recv
TCP, ISP_MSO, 4.984, recv
TCP, ISP_NCN, 4.984, recv
TCP, ISP_MTC, 4.984, send
TCP, ISP_BTN, 4.984, send
TCP, ISP_BTN, 4.984, send
TCP, ISP_BTN, 4.984, send
TCP, ISP_STA, 5.046, recv
TCP, ISP_STA, 6.593, recv
TCP, ISP_NPL, 6.64, recv
TCP, ISP_REO, 9.171, recv <-- Race restarting
TCP, ISP_RST, 9.171, recv <-- Race restarting
TCP, ISP_STA, 9.187, recv <-- Race state
TCP, ISP_VTN, 14.953, recv <-- Player votes to end race
TCP, ISP_MSO, 14.968, recv
TCP, ISP_SMALL, 14.968, recv
TCP, ISP_TINY, 17.937, recv
TCP, ISP_TINY, 17.968, recv
TCP, ISP_STA, 18, recv
TCP, ISP_MSO, 21.125, recv
TCP, ISP_MST, 21.125, send
Dedicated server log:
load bans
load font
create english file
load objects
start intro
end of initialisation
Track loaded
Handicaps :
InSim - TCP : X-Y-Z Pos (UDP port 60000)
Host Auth :
Send Track :
Connect :
Sent OK to new guest
Sent scrutineering packet
Told guests about new guest
A new guest is connecting
Sent guest list to new guest
Sent new user packet
[Q3] makakazo^L connected (makakazo^L)
InSim - UDP : no slots available
InSim - UDP : no slots available
InSim - UDP : no slots available
InSim - UDP : no slots available
InSim - UDP : no slots available
[Q3] makakazo^L voted to END RACE
InSim - UDP : no slots available
InSim - UDP : no slots available
InSim - UDP : no slots available
Exit : clean up
Exit : delete
[Q3] makakazo : ^L!exit
InSim guest closed : X-Y-Z Pos
shutting down
free objects
free languages
free humans
free font
free host list
kill graphics
save config
free mouse
As you can see, when I'm using full TCP or full UDP the MCI packets are sent.
When using UDP I get a final last message "InSim : unknown packet (80 bytes) - X-Y-Z Pos" that I'm not sure what is causing it. The rest of "InSim - UDP : no slots available" arrive when I have already closed the application, they last for a while until LFS decides that it's been too long not receiving any UDP pakcet and closes the UDP connection due to a timeout.
When using TCP+UDP the main packets all arrive, but when MCI should start arriving the server says that "InSim - UDP : no slots available". This message stops when the vote to end race finishes and the player goes back to the main race config screen. In this screen no MCI packets are sent so there's no problem. With this method it looks like the server tries to send the MCI packets but for some reason it can't and delivers that message "no slots available".
I really don't know what is going on!