I just participated in my first MTB race. It was a team 6 hour enduro. I did 4 laps of a 10 mile course and got back to the start line and tagged my partner 2 mins before the cut off (What I mean is I tagged my partner 2 mins before he couldnt have gone out again). He also got 4 laps. I was doing about 49-54 mins per lap. Any other MTB racers or riders out there? Also tonight will be my first night in 4 months that I have played LFS, so I have alot of relearning to do (I didnt take the 4 months off intentionaly, I just found myself doing other things being it summer). I think I'll have to take a couple of days off of the bike (My second race is on Wednesday, or 3 days). Sorry, but I just wanted to post