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Irish LFS Karting meet anyone?
Hey there! hope you're all well. I got an idea at the start of summer about an Irish LFS karting meet as there seems to be quite a number of Irish LFS users about . Anyway, was thinking about going somewhere somewhat central like Galway or Dublin for the track. Was thinking maybe sometime later this month?. As I don't really know any karting venues in Ireland, would anyone suggest any good places to hold this event? I think it would be great crack.
BUMP! Lift permitting, I could be able to come along. Although I don't think there's enough active Irish users for this to work
If we get enough I'll join as well...
I'm up for it.
Tracks we could use could be

Kylemor karting in Dublin
Kartworld in Cork
Puddinghill in Dublin

they would be my suggestions especially Cork because I live there and it's a large outdoor track which you can do a GP for 50 yoyo's per person which includes practice and a long hour race
glad to see theres some interest . Sorry for not responding, don't have a personal PC atm so just going to net cafes once in a while. I'd suggest something in Dublin really as its the capital and more central. Which would you suggest as the better track Sully?