flymike, you appreciate BP is a private company and not part of the government. As for Estonia providing a significant amount of military aid? With the greatest respect to them, they have a population considerably less than New Mexico (to compare it to a US state)! Military aid would destabilise the situation even more.
The Kremlin seem to have forgotten the dissolution of the USSR and still think that parts of eastern Europe, central Europe and western Asia are their own stomping ground.
Think of the issue over moving the Soviet Era war memorial from central Tallinn - Russians? Cyberattacks on Estonia. If Putin had been on the vodka, and Estonia weren't in the EU, I can't rule out him thinking of an invasion.
EDIT : Russia are stupid, but not stupid enough to invade an EU country. It won't happen. It would be suicidal, as they would essentially be starting on a superpower (USA) and another major bloc of nations (EU) - and the rest of NATO.