how do you run LFS on your PSP ?
(41 posts, started )
#1 - sun
how do you run LFS on your PSP ?

i've been thinking about this, and i've always wanted to play LFS on my psp were ever i want. i have version 4.05. is there anything thing that will work on my psp with my homebrew ?


don't quote me on this, but i think the psp is too weak-powered to play lfs...
#3 - sun
but its graphics are really good thought its even better than mine and my pc plays lfs
Quote from sun :but its graphics are really good thought its even better than mine and my pc plays lfs

I seriously doubt that.
#5 - sun
no, seriously
It can be done. It's very possible to install Win95 onto the PSP (I'm doing it right now!), and then run LFS from that. But Win95, which takes all of 12 seconds to boot on my PC, takes over 15 minutes to boot on the PSP. LFS won't be pretty
#7 - sun
how do you install windows 95 on onto your psp ?
You'd getter performance playing LFS via PSP VNC.
Before you ask what that is.. try google ok ?

and FWIW: your gonna get about 2 FPS on VNC

LFS would have to be completely re-written to work properly on a PSP and its only 480 x 272 pixels and 333MHz so you're better of just sticking with commercial games written specifically for PSP cause I can't see Scawen spending 4 more years re-writing LFS for PSP.
Although that does sound excellent. A proper port to consoles. I'd definitely buy another license for it, LFS on the move rocks

Just tried running LFS on my Win95 PSP. It just crashes when it tries loading a track. And it took 7 minutes just to get to the main entry screen. Epic fail
Why do some people want at all price to run LFS on inadequate platforms?
There are plenty of games which offer adequate and funny gameplay on these consoles. LFS is designed for pc only. I don't want to run LFS on my TI-89 just to play in classroom, or on a PSP when i'm in W.C...

Seriously LFS emulation has more disadvantages than fun.
#12 - sun
I Have Boch, How Do You Create An Image Of 95 ?
#13 - sun
do you need a lower version than mine ? like version 4.05 ? i really want 95 on my psp
....after about 5 minutes you'll really want 95 off your psp.
I'm using 3.80 M33. It should work on any of the M-series though...

You won't want it off in 5 minutes, it takes 10 minutes to boot After 15 minutes you will want it off though. The only thing that works reasonably OK is solitaire. Anything else and it freaks out and crashes, or else takes 20 minutes to load. I'm taking it off now...
#16 - sun
can you make me a step by step tutorial how to do it ? with links ?
that would be good
does anyone know how to use outgauge/insim to get speedo's on my psp so i can put it with my wheel? that would be really cool
THAT is a good idea to use a PSP with LFS
#19 - sun
dont post about insim things on here tha goes in the programmer forum area.
Owen. It won't work. It'll be slow as piss because Bochs has to emulate a x86 processor on the SLOW 333 mhz processor that the PSP has. What is with all these people trying to run LFS on platforms/ CPU architectures that aren't even similar to x86?

The only console I could see is the Xbox running LFS, becuase it IS a x86 processor. Once you install linux you can compile WINE, but because there's no GFX card (that linux can use the GPU of), you would be forced to use Mesa to render the GPU stuff CPU which would be slow on a 700~ mhz processor. More usefully is that you could run the dedi server adequately on an xbox.
xbox has a gfx card.
bochs on the psp can't do hardware t&l that lfs needs.
Yes, it has a GFX card, but not one that Linux can use (due to either unwritten Kernel modules (unlikely to be written, due to it being an nVidia chip)). Might as well not be there for that reason.
since you say that xbox has a x86 cpu we are certainly talking about the original xbox. not the 360. the gpu that the xbox has is a geforce3-related gpu which means that coding a module would not be difficult, if not already done. edit: it's the same thing, but the problem is the tv-output module that is not completely controlled. or something.
i have allready seen PSP with Windows VISTA and it works very fast
I do think that PSP is able to run LFS. but correct me if im wrong:
Being that LFS s written in C (or C++ ), they could transfer the code over to XNA and run it on Xbox 360 am i rite?

how do you run LFS on your PSP ?
(41 posts, started )