The online racing simulator
#1 - lerts
is a g25 really worth it or is it a momo enough
i dispose of 300 euro and im not sure wheather i should buy a g25 or this watch:

so is it faster a g25 than a momo or there isnt such a big difference?

myself i prefer the watch but if i gained one second per lap with the g25 ill prefer the wheel

so what do you think?
An expensive watch is useless to be honest. All you use it for is to tell the time - i'd say about 0.1% of your day you will use one of the other things on the watch but you could easily live without.

The G25's build quality alone over the momo is huge - its made out of proper materials and metals and feels a lot better to drive.

You probably won't gain 1 second per lap the first time you drive it but after some practice the amazing force feedback difference will help you drive faster.

Its also more fun to drive - I love driving the LX cars now with all of the aids turned off and using manual clutch - very fun.
Man, that watch is awful.....

As for the wheel, never used a momo, but the G25 feels miles ahead of a DFP.

P.S., is that Rose Mcgowen in your avatar?, she's hot as hell
I've had a Black Momo and now a G25. My black Momo had problems with the pedals, better known as the "5 percent bug" if I remember correctly.

The G25, however, is something else. The feel of the wheel and pedals are simply amazing. It's worth EVERY penny. Don't expect too much of the H-Shifter as it doesn't have the quality feel that the wheel and pedals do; it's a nice gadget but not much more.

Get the G25 you won't regret it.

I'm not sure the G25 will be FASTER than the MOMO, but it will give you greater immersion in the game. Althoug I like the look of those watches why don't you just check your cell-phone to see what time it is or ask somebody.
don't wear watch when racing. added weight and imbalance. plus strain on the wrist.
A cheap watch'll do it too.
G25 can't be 300 euros. Around the 240 here
I've seen it for 200 euro's already !
Well speaking of my G25 use, it all depends if you have the money to spend. If you figure it's alot of money you maybe shouldn't buy it . But it's worth it to me, I found spending 204$ something that I used quite often for the last year. If you all up my hours of use in the year on it... It was more than worth it to me.

So If you have to save up for it... Or you're gonna be broke for a few weeks afterwards - don't buy it.
Quote from george_tsiros :don't wear watch when racing. added weight and imbalance. plus strain on the wrist.

When Alonso was at Renault the first time they actually calculated the effect of him wearing his watch. It's not added weight because total weight is car+driver but they worked out the effect of having a higher centre of gravity (instead of being able to put those few grams in as ballast within the floor - not that they could afford to shave the weight that close) and it was something ridiculous like 0.0004s per lap and totally theoretical.

Of course in 250 MotoGP Simoncelli seems to manage with a few kilos of excess hair compared to the rest.

EDIT: G25 superb build quality, although the shifter feels a bit flimsy.
#11 - Jakg
The G25 is better than the Momo, that is a fact, but whether it's worth more than a watch to you is up to you.

That watch is bloody horrible though, never seen what was wrong with a nice cheap digital Casio...
yep thanks guys ill go for the g25
Good choice lerts Now just don't make your name "[G25] xpermo" whatever you do :rolleyes:
Quote from lerts :yep thanks guys ill go for the g25

you won't regret it... i love my wheel.

i'd love my seat more, if my cat didn't poke holes in the leather.
Quote from Storm_Cloud :Of course in 250 MotoGP Simoncelli seems to manage with a few kilos of excess hair compared to the rest.

that adds points to coolness. cool = faster. simple!
i have both the momo and the g25 and i like my g25 way better as i can drive better with it but it does cost a bit more than the momo