The online racing simulator
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Coupled with the plate, does that mean we won't get a right hand drive version??

Why would it possibly mean that? All cars in LFS can be configured as you please, so why should this be different? My guess is Victor took this shot, which explains the difference from earlier ones. Occam's razor.
#427 - QBi
Hell yeah! It's sexy!

/me wants to skin it! Cant wait to put my hands on 'Roc
The model looks great!!!!!!!!!!! Hope we get it soon, but take all your time do the physics right Scawen, but don't let us wait like till 2010..
its probly gonna end up with 1:16 versions of it
Looks good I hope people come up with some cool skin requests for me
It looks really nice - i'm glad to see a few more polygons being put into a model. Beats the mostly square style of cars about in LFS.
its gonna be the newest looking car in lfs (XF,XR,RB4,ECT...) so will it be for s2? cause im gettin s2 this friday.
Nice job devs
Really nice modelling
yup. hopefully noone makes a terrible sin that stabs the germans in the heart

go team germany!!!
There is a big billboard near my house advertising the car, if I could get some LFS stickers I would go plaster them on it and take some pictures for everyone to enjoy. Totally pointless but everytime I walk past it I just feel like doing that.
yay another car for us to crash! oh and put up some lfs logos on the billboard :P
this is excellent
but will it put the XFG out?
how does the Scirocco fit into the line up?
will this open the door to yet more VW's?
or Porsche?! or Audi?!
Better that XFG but slower than FXO
Don't see why xfg should go. So muuuch effort went into it! On the other hand, scirocco = win
Wth are You talking about? O.o All cars are staying in the game so XFG is not going out, simply beacuse Scirocco is class of it's own . About 150bhp/ton.
Dear CTRA,

Since the TBO class of racing is my least favorite aside from open wheel racing, I have not had the means to achieve a Gold license with only running on the Race 1 server. Please do add the VW to the license system with S2 track rotations, but please allow it to be used by Silver licensed racers.

Yours truely,
Quote from Byku :Wth are You talking about? O.o All cars are staying in the game so XFG is not going out, simply beacuse Scirocco is class of it's own . About 150bhp/ton.

I think it's more like 190bhp/ton.

Anyway the model looks very nice, can't wait for GC.
proves that the only thing needed for LFS to look decent is some better modelling.
It's a fake...sort of. Only German LFS players will get to use the Scriocco. For the rest of the world, it will be locked until S4 comes out, around the time you care more about adult diapers than cars.

While people in Germany will get this version, the rest of the world will get either a G-Wiz or a Prius, because Becky Rose insisted on that, as it will "reduce our virtual carbon footprint".

So in short, blame her.
Well then, I'll have to overclock my G-Wiz to 667Mhz
Quote from Byku :Wth are You talking about? O.o All cars are staying in the game so XFG is not going out, simply beacuse Scirocco is class of it's own . About 150bhp/ton.

uhm? i never said to take it out. I said i dont see why you should.
Quote from Makao :I think it's more like 190bhp/ton.

Anyway the model looks very nice, can't wait for GC.

nope its 153.8hp/tonne


soooooo 200/1.3= 153.8bhp/tonne.

Heavy little bugger innit being as the GPS won't work, and we don't need airbags maybe we can get the weight reduced in game lol
Quote from jayhawk :It's a fake...sort of. Only German LFS players will get to use the Scriocco. For the rest of the world, it will be locked until S4 comes out, around the time you care more about adult diapers than cars.

While people in Germany will get this version, the rest of the world will get either a G-Wiz or a Prius, because Becky Rose insisted on that, as it will "reduce our virtual carbon footprint".

So in short, blame her.

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VW Scirocco in Live for Speed
(1608 posts, closed, started )