The online racing simulator
Hey you there.
(11 posts, started )
Hey you there.
Hi pals! I just got my S2 license and ran a little with the UF 1000 in the UF1 CTRA server, gotta say the interior sucks but the car seems to run like a kart which is really fun, i'm wondering why you are restricting the air intake? To make it slower? It already is! :P

I hope to get some points to improve my licence and get some new friends in the meantime.

BTW, tried to get some instructions about the point system but did not find, how you are supposed to get points? I just run a solo race, 11 laps, and not a single point. I checked the website and found just my YF ratio and zero points.

See ya soon on the server!
Welcome to S2!

The CTRA points system has been discussed many times in the CTRA subforums. This is one of the threads about it, I hope you get some answers there.

The reason why you didn't get any points could be because you're not running fast enough. If I remember correctly your fastest lap has to be within 108% of the CTRA lap record for you to earn points (unless that's been changed). If you're too slow, you don't get any points. If you're running close to the CTRA track record, I believe you earn more points. You also get bonus points for setting a fastest lap, and also if you set a new track record yourself.
You can see what the CTRA track record for a car is by typing $track while on the server. Note that the CTRA track record is not the WR!

Other things that are taken into consideration are number of racers that started the race (doesn't matter if only a handful of them finish it, it's the drivers at the start that matter). So if you're running solo, you will never get many points, although you should get a few, just to motivate you to stay on the server until more people arrive The more people start the race, the more points will be dealt out to the top x drivers.

Number of yellow flags caused is also taken into consideration. And you must finish on the lead lap, to have a chance at earning points.

The car you drove was the restricted UFR, named UF-BR (the B stands for Baby), not the UF1. The UF1 is much slower still Aside from the UF-BR server you can also race on the CTRA Race 1 server, which is an entry level server running the XFG & XRG cars, if you fancy having a go in them. They're still one of my favorite class to race in.
If you want to have a go in the single seaters, you can try your luck on CTRA Single Seater 1, the entry level server for those cars, where you can drive the FBM.

Hope this helped a bit!
Hi, just for clarity your fastest lap is totally irrellevent if you drive a clean race, basically the points you score for position/number of racers is modified by either your yellow flag ratio or best lap time - whichever is better.
Quote from Becky :Hi, just for clarity your fastest lap is totally irrellevent if you drive a clean race, basically the points you score for position/number of racers is modified by either your yellow flag ratio or best lap time - whichever is better.

Really? I was under the impression that, whilst the bonus for a clean race was the same as the bonus for fastest lap, you could still get both. And that you still have to have a lap time that's sort of reasonable.. Although I have seen people finish two laps behind in Race 3 and still get some points out of it.

I'm now officially confused about the points system, what an excuse to go and test it...

Quote from obsolum :And you must finish on the lead lap, to have a chance at earning points.

Bump and Jump only, that one. You can still earn points when you're one or more laps behind in other servers, it's just seen less often because people that are a lap or more behind are usually too low down the finishing order to earn points anyway.
Apart from that, an excellent post, nice one

Well that's how I coded it, but Sam may have changed that functionality - I know he did some tweaks but I dont think he fundamentally changed the way it worked.
#6 - SamH
The net result of the changes that I've made will probably result in fast laps being typically the bigger number of the two for some of the cars, so the balance has shifted in favour of fast laps, but not for all cars and not by much. The basic premise of one or the other still stands, and you can earn healthy points for clean laps even if the laptimes aren't pushing the server's fastest.
Lucky for me..

Right, thanks for the info, you two

(Dark Elite) DELETED by Dark Elite : Double
Thanks for your friendly replies folks. Also pretty handy the link.

Got confused, do i still have to race at least 108% the CTRA track record or just try to drive clean and easy will get me at least a couple of miserable points?

BTW, when the servers get spiced up? Every time i check the UFRB server is always empty when i get in.
You can drive clean OR fast for points. The system picks the best multiplyer value.

@SamH, if you've increased the multiplyer beyond 6 you will accelerate licence progress so I hope you've reduced base points to suite, or you have chosen to have less experienced drivers will hold Silver and up? I'm curious to know as it may impact whether I allow non-race drivers for STCC to hold a lower licence.
#10 - SamH
The changes that I've made haven't accelerated licence gains for any cars. Some cars have been slightly retarded more than others.
thanks boyo

Hey you there.
(11 posts, started )