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Need improve racing
(6 posts, started )
Need improve racing
Ok I have mainly racing AS2 FOX combo lately and i want to know what exactly is my problem, i get slow times, averaging 1.03.xx, but my PB is 1.02.78. I havent raced thousands of laps like most do, only 93 laps still maybe there is something i can still improve.

I added SPR replay of 5 laps, also note that some days i do better, some days i do really bad.

Im only good at oval because i have done obviously thousands of laps there, so i guess thats my problem on other tracks, i need to do thousands of laps.
Attached files
lap.spr - 147 KB - 123 views
I didn't watch it because im not on LFS but the biggest reason most people are not that fast is because they dont have car control, when you have it, you will be able to go faster. Oval will not teach you car control so your probably only pushing the car to 30-40% of its ability. The again some people can do thousands of laps and still not "get" racing or driving a car properly.
hey hello,

i do watched the replay,

there are 3 things what i see.

1: you are steering in some times to early for t1 and also for last turn, you wait just a bit to long with getting back on throttle.

2: your line in the last turn is not the best one, i usely go in from a bit wither line.

3: your setup , i have the feeling that your setup is a bit to much under steering. that is why you can handle the chicane in front of the split in 5th.

i am going to add a setup so you can test it, it might be a wrong brake balance because its a bit out of date, i couldn’t add a replay because i cant drive anymore its just to late for me.

about the setup i drove my pb with it, what is a 2:01.9x

well good luck and i hope you can do something with my tips
Attached files
FOX_as club under 1.set - 132 B - 902 views
Thanks for these tips, i actually thought too that my last turn need to be improved.
When i try to get back to throttle as early as possible, i sometimes start sliding, thats obviously because i slam throttle too hard, but when i try to press throttle smooth, i then again wait too long. I cant find the point where car wont start sliding, but would be as fast as possible.

Later i try to practise again , thanks for setup and tips again.
You need to take more risk.
Quote from Eleanor SpeedGT :Ok I have mainly racing AS2 FOX combo lately and i want to know what exactly is my problem, i get slow times, averaging 1.03.xx, but my PB is 1.02.78. I havent raced thousands of laps like most do, only 93 laps still maybe there is something i can still improve.

I added SPR replay of 5 laps, also note that some days i do better, some days i do really bad.

Im only good at oval because i have done obviously thousands of laps there, so i guess thats my problem on other tracks, i need to do thousands of laps.

If im on a new track that i dont know and i want to practice, i just press 4,(i think its 4, it may be F4) it brings up the racing line, which should in theory be the fastest way round as it is the shortest distance around the track. The line will change colour as a warning of what is coming up ahead. I worked out to do this with the colours......

Green line = keep throttle nailed!
yellow/orange line (approaching corner) = back off the throttle, be ready to brake.
Red Line = time to brake.
orange/yellow line (after corner) = off the brake, gently back on the power, be careful in a rear wheel drive car.
green line = nail throttle once again.

some will say that the racing line view is unrealistic, but since i used it i have managed to cut 7 seconds of my blackwood time in an XFG.

Need improve racing
(6 posts, started )