if you took the original package, the first problem could be, that there are no write-rights for the webserver in the directory /data and the files inside. the tracker writes back data to that directory.

but if you say, that there is no content in the db ... mhhh ... atm i've no idea

[EDIT] ah, the biggest problem could be, that you need to adapt the lfsworld-request to the new protocol-version. i think the original package uses version 1.2. of pubstat, but atm there is 1.4 the current version. so the content changes and i dont know, if the tracker with the old version works correct, because of changes.
No write-rights can't be the problem. I'm currently testing the HoTTracker on my computer with XAMPP. And it is also able to modify the lastupdate.dat file so i think that can't be the problem.

Because i havn't worked with LFS Pubstats yet, is it very difficult to adapt the version 1.2 to the new version 1.4?

And which files are affected? Only the lfsworld.php ?

Best regards,
If it's based on PHP, just hook into the LFSWorld SDK.
Quote from Dygear :If it's based on PHP, just hook into the LFSWorld SDK.

this is the plan with the version i try to develop from the HoTTracker. i did the adjustments to work with the new pubstat-version, but i'm not finished with documentation, so it's easy usable. in a further version all direct accesses to pubstat from the HoTTracker-base should be substituted to LFSWorldSDK, which is a very good package the time is rare atm, but in a upper post there is the link to the track of the project and you can checkout the current trunk-version with svn and give it a try. you also can you the trac to do bug reports and so on, so perhaps we should start to use it
Ok, I'll give support where I can. If you need any help with anything just shoot me a PM and I'll see what I can do.
@ haelje:
I have a question...
Where do i put the ID-Key?
is it in this line of lfsworld.php?
Quote :
209 // ID-Key is needed since pubstats 1.3
210 if ($this->id_key == "") return false;

Quote from Deejayyaj :@ haelje:
I have a question...
Where do i put the ID-Key?
is it in this line of lfsworld.php?

take a look to the /includes/options.php-file, there are the variables you need to define.
Ok I saw it now after reading the PDF...

But what i get after uploading it to a server host... the site goes like this. (see attachments pls.)

I got PHP error:

(Warning: fopen(/home/a2941323/public_html/data/timestamp.dat) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/a2941323/public_html/includes/lfsworld.php on line 200)

am I doin this right?

One more question: Do i need to start the home page as Index.php or is it ok to use a simple Index.html and dynamically attach the tracker index.php into Index.html?
Attached images
to the last question: i think that should work. important is, that the execution of the php-scripts works correctly, so i think you can also embedd it into a html.

the fopen-error look like you didn't set the variable
@ define(URL,"");

correctly. there you should enter the full base-url, starting with http:// to access the file on your server.
Quote from Deejayyaj :Ok I saw it now after reading the PDF...

But what i get after uploading it to a server host... the site goes like this. (see attachments pls.)

I got PHP error:

(Warning: fopen(/home/a2941323/public_html/data/timestamp.dat) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/a2941323/public_html/includes/lfsworld.php on line 200)

I´ve recieve this message too. I've ported the Tracker to another webspace and everything is fine. It looks like that your Webhoster didnt support fopen include from external sites. I'm not sure, but u should have to contakt your Webhoster, they should edit your php.ini file...
Let me know, what happend, plz.

I've a question too...
Everything is fine with the Tracker on our Site, but is it possibel to display the splits from lfswold in the tracker?
In lfsworld the splittme is visible. I've edited the options.php with my ID_Key.
THX for your answer!
it's not possible without changes with the original HoTTracker because it uses pubstat 1.2 and the splits for pb's is in pubstat 1.4. so you need to edit the parts (the db-structures need to be adopted too), or you give the new package a try, but without help atm it's hardly possible. i'll try to finish the install-scripts this month. you can download the current working-version here: http://liveforspeed.codemacher ... d_path=%2F&format=zip
2nd question:
The Memberstaus displays a German and an English Table... I want to display only the German one... What i have to do?
Quote from sid6.8 :ok!
2nd question:
The Memberstaus displays a German and an English Table... I want to display only the German one... What i have to do?

atm i dont know, what you mean with the english and the german tables, perhaps you can post a screenshot ?
Wow, nice to see that my HoT Tracker is still alive (somehow).

Unfortunately I really did nothing with it the last year(s). And I really don't have the time to support it anymore.

I would really be glad if someone could create a similar "tool" maybe based on the LFS World SDK. I didn't use the SDK because I just wanted to play around with LFS World a little bit. I guess the SDK was also not really known to me back then.

Today, I would use of course.

Anyway, if someone out there creates a user-friendly, easy-to-install, PHP-based Team Tracker, I would appreciate that (and maybe also use it myself).

Maybe the HoT Tracker is still good as an example for learning.

EDIT: @haelje: I now remember we shared PN's. Thank you for further developing and supporting the old tracker. (I took a quick look at the one at your teams website). If you manage to create an install script for a new version of the tracker, I would like to give it a shot on our new homepage.
Quote from haelje :atm i dont know, what you mean with the english and the german tables, perhaps you can post a screenshot ?

Here is the screenshot. Plz have a look.

Another Question
Why the Tracker didnt update automaticly?
I must always force a manuell updaten via trackercontrol... I am not premium, but my is insert into the options.php...
i tried to push it to the alpha-state, but the time was rare this weekend (or the work too much, it's a point of view ). i cleaned up a lot and did a avery important step to hold the users and teams in the db. i also extended the readme's and install-guide, but i'm not completly ready yet. if you wanna take a deeper look, visit the project homepage, there you find descriptions where and how to download the pre-alpha.
please report the bugs in the ticket-system, it's easier to handle for me and the tracking of problems works better imo.


EDIT: all the update issues are not checked completely, so in some combinations the update goes wrong.
this week there was some more work in specializing the tracker for the owrl. so if you are interested, take a look here
new sources
Sr, for this question, but how can i dl the files for a test on my webserver...?
there are 2 ways you can do it:
1. you use some svn-client (http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads) and then you use the following url to check-out the project:

2. or you go to the homepage (http://liveforspeed.codemacher ... SWFramework/browser/trunk) there is a link to download all as zip archive. i think the most important info you also find on the beginning of the install-guide on the page.

but atm i dont know exactly, if the "normal" version will run, i did a lot of changes according the owrl and did not check all side-effects on the current standard tracker. the goal is to port the last changes to the standard tracker, so it also uses the new features.