just want to know if its possible
right here it is, i have a server and a website just want to know if you can put the race records onto my site but is there anyway it can be auto or do i have to do it manually
For e.g from the best pb to the worst pb just to let people know where they are standing in the table and so on.
Is there a programe thats lets you do so or is it not possible

Regards Kyle
dont know much stuff about doing this but i think you would have to store the info in a database and then get the information from the database onto your website which i dont know how to
Sure, but you can get that information for their best overall split / sector time through LFS World via the pb action. You'll need to get your own ID Key (IDK) but once you do, you can get the information from this url. (Just replace <IDK> with your ID Key and <RACER> with the name of the user you would like to get information on.) you might also need to use the hosts action to get a list of users on your host.



If you want it for just your server, then an application would need to be made. You need the STA (for the track name) could just capture the SPX (for the time) and LAP (also for the time) packets, or the FIN (gives you just the best lap time for that race) packet depending on how in depth you want to get.

struct IS_STA // STAte
byte Size; // 28
byte Type; // ISP_STA
byte ReqI; // ReqI if replying to a request packet
byte Zero;

float ReplaySpeed; // 4-byte float - 1.0 is normal speed

word Flags; // ISS state flags (see below)
byte InGameCam; // Which type of camera is selected (see below)
byte ViewPLID; // Unique ID of viewed player (0 = none)

byte NumP; // Number of players in race
byte NumConns; // Number of connections including host
byte NumFinished; // Number finished or qualified
byte RaceInProg; // 0 - no race / 1 - race / 2 - qualifying

byte QualMins;
byte RaceLaps; // see "RaceLaps" near the top of this document
byte Spare2;
byte Spare3;

char Track[6]; // short name for track e.g. FE2R
byte Weather; // 0,1,2...
byte Wind; // 0=off 1=weak 2=strong

struct IS_SPX // SPlit X time
byte Size; // 16
byte Type; // ISP_SPX
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // player's unique id

unsigned STime; // split time (ms)
unsigned ETime; // total time (ms)

byte Split; // split number 1, 2, 3
byte Penalty; // current penalty value (see below)
byte NumStops; // number of pit stops
byte Sp3;

struct IS_LAP // LAP time
byte Size; // 20
byte Type; // ISP_LAP
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // player's unique id

unsigned LTime; // lap time (ms)
unsigned ETime; // total time (ms)

word LapsDone; // laps completed
word Flags; // player flags

byte Sp0;
byte Penalty; // current penalty value (see below)
byte NumStops; // number of pit stops
byte Sp3;

struct IS_FIN // FINished race notification (not a final result - use IS_RES)
byte Size; // 20
byte Type; // ISP_FIN
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // player's unique id (0 = player left before result was sent)

unsigned TTime; // race time (ms)
unsigned BTime; // best lap (ms)

byte SpA;
byte NumStops; // number of pit stops
byte Confirm; // confirmation flags : disqualified etc - see below
byte SpB;

word LapsDone; // laps completed
word Flags; // player flags : help settings etc - see below

I fell generous today, I gave you alot of information that should get you started on it your self.
where do i put all that text btw. sorry not good with code
Quote from royk1991 :where do i put all that text btw. sorry not good with code

lol do what he has told you to do in the first bit of his post all the other text he has cut it from the InSim.txt file to help you with what you need to do to find the users data
btw is there any way i could put vcom onto my TCadminpanel and use it as my insim
(royk1991) DELETED by royk1991
(royk1991) DELETED by royk1991
plz help really really wanna find out insim i have is pants
There appears to be an API and a reasonable amount of documentation, so it's likely that you could integrate TCAdmin and VCOM, but I've not see anyone advertising that they've written such a thing, so if it is possible it's likely to be something you'll have to pursue.
klkl m8 cheerz anyway
ohh and is it possible to add a points system to lfslapper
need to if it is, if it is possible could somone tell me how
sorry m8
Be patient .. and use edit post.
plz help
Quote from royk1991 :plz help

Quote from Dygear :

<lots of relevant, good information>

I fell generous today, I gave you alot of information that should get you started on it your self.


sun, Mk2 anyone?

Why don't people read these days? If you're not going to put the time in to learn and develop code yourself why should people bend over backwards to help you?
Quote from royk1991 :plz help

Whilst I know it's possible to create a points based system from the same code as lapper, I personally don't know if it's possible to use lapper with only a modified config (which is what I suspect you want).

I also suspect that many who regularly look at this part of the forum, like myself, haven't really used lapper in any great amount of detail, and thus can't really comment. I know that Gai-Luron occasionally drops by, but not often. Dropping a single, quick question into the lapper thread here might get you an answer quicker.

However, bear in mind that a "points system" is a bit vague and covers a very wide range of things. I know that a lot of stuff is possible with lapper and conjoining scripts, but whether or not that matches what you want to do, is another question.

Also bear in mind that the people who post here are not paid to support you, and if someone knows the answer then they'll respond eventually.
ok no problem, sorry for the constant posts and not editing.Well thanks for the help
To bring this thread to a close, yes, it can be done.
Well before it closes anychance i could be told how to.
No one need to make me the code just tell me how to that would be a good help.

your never gunna be able to do any of this unless someone gives u the code so the thread may as well be closed
Quote from Robbo01 :your never gunna be able to do any of this unless someone gives u the code so the thread may as well be closed

I'm sorry, but that's exactly the kind of attitude that gets people nowhere in the programming forum. What you should have said was "You're not going to get anywhere unless someone gives you the code OR you actually learn to program.
just close it
When I get around to it I'll post some code, that could be in a week, that could be in a month. It will most likely use the LFSWorldSDK, so I hope your server has PHP on it, and I hope it's PHP5!
no problem m8 thanks well my insim is lfslapper 5.173 i think so ull no if it has php i dont know lol well if you get it done dont really know how to thank you to be honest choking for it to get done lol
Ok, I will type up the proposal tomorrow tomorrow for you to make sure it's what you want.