Translation from czech:
Dear Jesus [or santa] (devs)
This year is my chrismass wish is acceleration of yours longtime progress of LFS game.
Sent to hell new cars. We have enought cars. Rather work on better damage model of cars and new tracks.
You know i was and i will be good all the year and i will be pleased with tunnel (to all intents and purposes). Do you get it? Something like in Monaco.
Also riding in a dark with working lights. Balance of overdimensioned heating of tires. Little bigger virtual mirror.
Posibility of reverse playback of replay and in cosmetic changes was not wasted white stripes in middle of tire on BF1.
So grasp. Chrismass are coming

(Btw: this is not S3 request)

End of translation.
My wishlist.
I was good too. I think. I finished higher school. I started work as CAD Designer in automobile company.
My biggest wish is Super race truck. This trucks have limited top speed so racing will be fun.
Second big wish is improvement of damage model. I know, Flatout 2 is arcade but, damage looks good.
I also wish new tracks. One per half year should be good.
Fix of alpha chanel bug.
Thats all.
PS: I apologize for my english and translation bugs.