The online racing simulator
I have posted the following in another forum.
There is a pc gaming section on another forum that i use and i started a thread with this.........

I started using LFS about a year ago and i find it the most realistic racing sim there is. For me, it blows rfactor out of the water on the realism front. As i say, it is very good and i have spent many an hour racing online. to download it, visit That will give you all the info and the download link to the free demo (2 or 3 cars and the ability to race online on a limited number of online servers and tracks) For the proper LFS experiance,(S2 Licensed) it costs £24 and you get all cars(about 16 or so) lots of tracks, and literally hundreds of online servers to race on. non-contact high speed racing is very much the aim of LFS, as it is designed to be a racing simulator, although there are some drifting, cruising and banger racing servers available as well.

The sim is still in its development stages (current version is alpha Z) but unlike most commercial games, LFS has been made from comlpete scratch and developed by only 3 people! Most games have a huge development team but victor, scawen and eric have put a huge amount of effort into this and i think it is well worth the money for the S2 license.

Is this an accurate description as i did my best!
Who is Victor? Eric?!?! Scawen!?!?!?!

I, Someone who has never before heard of LFS do not know these names!

Why are you trying to convince people to buy LFS? Most forums frown upon spam advertisements. If you are just registering/posting in random forums you should stop.

I can see if you have been a member of the forum long enough though.
Not at all, the forum i am posting in has recently added a pc gaming section so i wanted to make them aware of lfs. Im not spamming at all! I see your point, because spam is bad, but i have been a member on the mentioned forum for ages so i know that the mods on there will just be happy with the info to add to their gaming section!
Are you expecting a cookie now?
Nice post, however I would really put myself down, and write everything LFS has, that no other game has, or to same amount.

For example, the tyres bending in turns, post that with screenshoots, the realistics spin-outs and human errors - post a video, the HUGE 32 car fields, post them aswell

I don't think a user cares for how many developers this game got, they want to know - WHY should I buy LFS, WHAT does LFS has that no other game has.

I would also point out the life span of the game, it's not many racing games that has as long life span as LFS.
And also post a link to this video Best LFS vid I've seen so far. And maybe mention that it is not an official trailer, but made by a user with only real game footage
Quote from danthebangerboy :
Is this an accurate description as i did my best!

Looks fine to me. Word of mouth, when accurate, is a good form of advertising.
tis good, even though we have 20 cars, and one on its way

i would have also mentioned the ammount it is updated
You could just have said that lfs is a realistic sim and postet the url to the site
#12 - wien
Quote from jayhawk :Looks fine to me. Word of mouth, when accurate, is a good form of advertising.

Until it gets too noisy, in which case it's extremely annoying and may very well put me off a product.
Quote from The Very End :post a video, the HUGE 32 car fields, post them aswell

then i'll just post a video of a 60 car field in rfactor
Well, LFS has better netcode, so a 32 non-lag field is impressive. And Rcraptor can gtfo out of here IMO
Great small review of the game, i think it can rise the curiosity of anyone interested on the game.