Ive been planning on getting a tattoo soon. Just a simple name on my right rear shoulder blade.
Having my mum in hospital recently having a major operation from some certain health related issues really made me think about her passing on in life..
That then triggered me to think if she ever did (of course she wont any time soon

), i would love to have something a long the lines of a tattoo with her name and dates, birth to death.
That then triggered me to think i would like to get my late dads name perhaps on one rear shoulder blade, with my mother on the other later on in life.
That then came to a conclusion that i would like to get my dads name very soon, just finding prices etc.
Thought i would share that. I guess from reading peoples post they would call me stupid, but if this thread is still open in the next few weeks, id show it here if people would like.