I dont quite qualify as a sociopath, infact i've been doing some reading and it seems they want to ditch the term sociopath now too... Apparently it's "Antisocial Personality Disorder" (APD) now. The left wing liberal tree hugging lesbians never stop meddling do they !
ok, so I take it you are diagnosed with APD. I'm not officially diagnosed with it as I don't meet all the criteria (though I do score a few points...).
The difference in terms of reaction to our respective situations is twofold, one is pervasiveness. When it becomes impossible for a thread to stay on topic once it has been "Becky'd" or "Lerts'd" then that will create residual bad fealing. I'm aware sometimes this happens when i'm active in a thread, and conscious to try and get at least a few derailed topics back on track. Being 'different' in a community doesnt meen I have to be centre of attention - at least, not 'all' the time... Though a lil' bit of narccicism is just fine by me
The second issue is the "W.T.F." factor. If you are so far off the wall with your entry post whenever you pop into a thread, immediately gatecrashing a topic into a discussion of your personal issues, then you immediately generate hostility. Being 'too far from normal' that nobody understands you and then you take over the thread is a trait you've had for a while. I don't >think< that I do this, so comparing reactions to me to reactions to yourself is perhaps missing the point of why some people get upset with you.
There's nothing wrong with a little bit of narccicism from time to time, i'll freely admit to have narccicistic tendancies myself and that appealing to them is a good way to get into my good books, but if you really need to make every forum contribution you make a detailed focus on yourself and your psychiatric history, then perhaps you need to find another outlet to use whilst your therapist is on holiday?
I strongly recommend avoiding k-hole's, you sound like you've had far too many already.
Peace (and absolutely none of this macho bar fighting bull, I meen, if it came to a fight I already know who's won so i've no reason to threaten anyone...
