Wheel calibration loss - how to fix? (Momo)
Hello all,

In the past few weeks (perhaps since S2), my black Momo loses its calibration during races. After about 10 laps (without hitting obstacles) it is more than 25% off to the left or right (depending on track), and after 15-20 laps I can't make the sharp turns anymore because my wheel hits the max turn angle...

I vaguely suspect that the brakes also lose calibration.

Trying various LFS options and Logitech and Windows option does not seem to change anything.

Any suggestions? (I am now using the mouse again)

Many thanks in advance,

Solar Hydro
Hi Solar. What version of Logitech Software are you using? Also, try turning the wheel a few times in Windows before you load LFS. Another thing, try unplugging USB and plugging it back in again.

Then last, Sparkydave told me this one. Unlock Calibration in LFS. Recalib you wheel, but only pushing to 90%. Then relock calibration.

Is you are using the 4.40 software, then you will need to Momo Centring Fix. This is incorperated within the 4.60, but some people are having problem with the 4.60 software

Let us know

Use the "Centering fix" by Wingmanteam, download from here.
For reference, this didn't fix my problem :-(.

When I install the centering fix, my wheel moves left and right very fast, all on its own...

Solar Hydro