The online racing simulator

I noticed that if you click on the information button to show the graph, then again to close, then again to show the graph again, it shows two identical graphs. The more you do this cycle, the more graphs show up.
Which explorer do you use? I use Firefox 3 and it works well.
I've changed something now - prolly it'll work for banshee too
Even though the graph is nice, it was a good way to compare laptimes between two drivers by having them side by side.

Could we maybe have an option to compare like comparing splits for hotlaps, but it shows the two drivers lap times instead?

Quote from RudiTurbo :Could the laptimes be on top of each other like before?

If you copy/paste it to notepad for example, it will be on top of each other

Victor, this is great now thnx!
Right now we have the graph of player consistency only.
Joining players graphs into one will give a graphical view of overall performance together with consistency.
there's a pitfall with that though - If everyone starts on lap 1 and finished the race neatly, the graph would make perfect sense. But racers that join later on after a few laps, will still be drawn on the graph like they started on lap 1 (edit - hmm ok i suppose you could say it's THEIR lap 1).
Maybe it's not a biggie really, but i just wanna say, it's not 100% straight forward joining of graphs.