The online racing simulator
Quote from khoianh94 :The third pic looks like the world of the Teletubbies - these colours...

these colours, are getting my eyes bleeding
Maybe little too dark, but who cares...I love it
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I wanted to try and make a night edit because I had not done so before...

It's not that good... but meh. Comments please
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FZR Night.jpg
Quote from mutt107 :downforce.

ps sorry for my bad drawing.

That doesn't explain anything. And it's wrong.
Quote from JO53PHS :I wanted to try and make a night edit because I had not done so before...

It's not that good... but meh. Comments please

Very good already... Just the parts not illuminated by the headlights should be almost all black, you should be able to just make out the silhouttes... The stars are a tad too visible too...
Nice the last photo, looks real. :P
3 more from the 1hr race over at dMr
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lfs_dmr xrt.jpg
lfs_dmr xrt romus.jpg
lfs_dmr xrt delankster.jpg
Realy good blur, keep them coming!
Now that I'm back to school, I don't have much time for editing screenies now. But there are a few I can do like these.
Quote from Furiously-Fast :Now that I'm back to school, I don't have much time for editing screenies now. But there are a few I can do like these.

lights on RAC dont looks very realistci but other than that good job
Quote from JO53PHS :I wanted to try and make a night edit because I had not done so before...

It's not that good... but meh. Comments please

Hey thats pretty good
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rock, i think your lfs sucks
Quote from rockclan :Why? xD

you just posted a pic about lfs sucking from a car lol, i didnt mean it sucs. i meant the road sucks cars
Late edit with the battle between the FWD GTR's
Here's one of me just driving the XFR
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lfsme copy.jpg
photoshop i did yesterday:


E:fixed some spelling mistakes. ^^
Very nice picture TAZKA!
Nice edit Tazka
Quote from Tazka :photoshop i did yesterday:


E:fixed some spelling mistakes. ^^

You are in your categorie.

Nice as always. Superb work.
(feat) DELETED by feat : nvm
I got a few more....:bounce8random smileys)

Edited pics
(14108 posts, started )