I have collected here some links of tutorials and how-tos to help people in their endeavours of creating models for the "LFS custom car contest". I have provided links for these two softwares, Maya and 3ds MAX.
To choose which to use is up to you but there are some things to consider. However as we are doing all this just for fun it doesn't really matter which one you choose. There are some differences though which you should know before taking sides
You can get "Maya learning edition" which has no time limit and some of its features are locked. And the better quality pics get marked with the maya logo. Also models created in Maya learning edition can not be imported into any other 3d program because of its special file format.
3ds max is little different. There is a 30-day limit but the program contains most of the features of the full version though there are some limits as well. The biggest adventage 3ds max has over Maya is that you can use 3ds max for rendering current LFS cars. This isn't possible with Maya.
I chose Maya because I found it much easier to use but I also use 3ds max for rendering LFS cars.
To get 3ds max:
http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/s ... eID=123112&id=5972446
To get Maya:
http://www.alias.com/glb/eng/p ... maya_ple/get_maya_ple.jsp
Tutorials and other car modelling/other links for 3ds max users:
Setting up blueprints: http://www.trinisica.com/sub_learn_t...virtual-studio
For a good tutorial, check the first post below
Links to car tutorials: http://www.3dnuts.com/links/in ... n=displaycat&catid=10
Model a Car Tutorial: www.tutorialized.com/tutorial/Model-a-Car/11705
Car creation tutorials (offline atm): http://www.carbodydesign.com/t ... g-sketching-tutorials.php
More advanced car creation tutorial: http://shadowkeeper.no.sapo.pt/tutorial01.htm
Creating Car Paint Materials Tutorial: http://www.tutorialized.com/tu ... -Car-Paint-Materials/4853
Car Paint and Rendering setup with Mental Ray: http://www.3dkingdom.org/modul ... ;file=article&sid=541
Modeling a car tire Tutorial: http://www.tutorialized.com/tu ... /Modeling-a-car-tire/9171
Modeling a car rim Tutorial: http://www.tutorialized.com/tutorial/Modeling-a-car-rim/9072
Polymodeling tutorial: http://www.trinisica.com/sub_l ... e=2&show=polymodeling ng
CG Cars Tutorials & Resources: http://www.cg-cars.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=17
Cg society forum (max): http://forums.cgsociety.org/forumdisplay.php?f=6
Miscellanious stuff: http://www.highend3d.com/3dsma ... ripts/texturing/2340.html
Tutorials for Maya users:
Help on basic tools & explanations and videos: http://www.alias.com/glb/eng/c ... 101.jsp?_requestid=157481
Excellent car modelling tutorial for Maya: http://www.3dm3.com/tutorials/maya/car/
Setting up blueprints: http://blueprints.onnovanbraam.com/tutorials/maya/
3D Modeling tutorials: http://www.3dmd.net/MAYAtutorials.htm
Maya resources, helps and stuff: http://www.learning-maya.com/
Maya video tutorials, free: http://www.simplymaya.com/movi ... s/category.mhtml?cat_id=1
Car interior (offline): http://www.thecontent-factory. ... ls_CarExterior3_maya.html
More stuff: http://www.3dtotal.com/
Miscellanious links:
http://www.bhmotorsports.com/b ... ic.php?t=31734&sid=75
* Blueprints are reference pictures needed in the modelling phase. Good blueprints make the job easier.
To choose which to use is up to you but there are some things to consider. However as we are doing all this just for fun it doesn't really matter which one you choose. There are some differences though which you should know before taking sides

You can get "Maya learning edition" which has no time limit and some of its features are locked. And the better quality pics get marked with the maya logo. Also models created in Maya learning edition can not be imported into any other 3d program because of its special file format.
3ds max is little different. There is a 30-day limit but the program contains most of the features of the full version though there are some limits as well. The biggest adventage 3ds max has over Maya is that you can use 3ds max for rendering current LFS cars. This isn't possible with Maya.
I chose Maya because I found it much easier to use but I also use 3ds max for rendering LFS cars.
To get 3ds max:
http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/s ... eID=123112&id=5972446
To get Maya:
http://www.alias.com/glb/eng/p ... maya_ple/get_maya_ple.jsp
Tutorials and other car modelling/other links for 3ds max users:
Setting up blueprints: http://www.trinisica.com/sub_learn_t...virtual-studio
For a good tutorial, check the first post below

Links to car tutorials: http://www.3dnuts.com/links/in ... n=displaycat&catid=10
Model a Car Tutorial: www.tutorialized.com/tutorial/Model-a-Car/11705
Car creation tutorials (offline atm): http://www.carbodydesign.com/t ... g-sketching-tutorials.php
More advanced car creation tutorial: http://shadowkeeper.no.sapo.pt/tutorial01.htm
Creating Car Paint Materials Tutorial: http://www.tutorialized.com/tu ... -Car-Paint-Materials/4853
Car Paint and Rendering setup with Mental Ray: http://www.3dkingdom.org/modul ... ;file=article&sid=541
Modeling a car tire Tutorial: http://www.tutorialized.com/tu ... /Modeling-a-car-tire/9171
Modeling a car rim Tutorial: http://www.tutorialized.com/tutorial/Modeling-a-car-rim/9072
Polymodeling tutorial: http://www.trinisica.com/sub_l ... e=2&show=polymodeling ng
CG Cars Tutorials & Resources: http://www.cg-cars.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=17
Cg society forum (max): http://forums.cgsociety.org/forumdisplay.php?f=6
Miscellanious stuff: http://www.highend3d.com/3dsma ... ripts/texturing/2340.html
Tutorials for Maya users:
Help on basic tools & explanations and videos: http://www.alias.com/glb/eng/c ... 101.jsp?_requestid=157481
Excellent car modelling tutorial for Maya: http://www.3dm3.com/tutorials/maya/car/
Setting up blueprints: http://blueprints.onnovanbraam.com/tutorials/maya/
3D Modeling tutorials: http://www.3dmd.net/MAYAtutorials.htm
Maya resources, helps and stuff: http://www.learning-maya.com/
Maya video tutorials, free: http://www.simplymaya.com/movi ... s/category.mhtml?cat_id=1
Car interior (offline): http://www.thecontent-factory. ... ls_CarExterior3_maya.html
More stuff: http://www.3dtotal.com/
Miscellanious links:
http://www.bhmotorsports.com/b ... ic.php?t=31734&sid=75
* Blueprints are reference pictures needed in the modelling phase. Good blueprints make the job easier.