The Tom Cruise Career Deathwatch Thread, (Title borrowed from some footie forum)
I thought the Polyphonic Spree took it to far

But then my favorite fruitcake Tom Cruise auditions for the part..

I can hear the abysmal German accent already.
Trailer looks really good, actually.

And he was incredible in (spoiler) Tropic Thunder.
Small man meets big screen.

Bound to work well.
You're not watching channel 5 by any chance?
looks vey good, i cant wait (seriously)... is it about some treason (?) to hitler?
I dont wonna blow the ending for you, but Germany lost.
When will people stop casting Tom Cruise? Fair enough if the plot was to kill Hitler by driving a motorbike backwards over a jump while shooting him with a rocket launcher with a bird with huge knockers riding pillion, but in any other circumstance, please god no, not Tom Cruise.
#9 - wien
Quote from thisnameistaken :Fair enough if the plot was to kill Hitler by driving a motorbike backwards over a jump while shooting him with a rocket launcher with a bird with huge knockers riding pillion, but in any other circumstance, please god no, not Tom Cruise.

Ah, but due to poor audience feedback from the boring "bomb under a table" script, that is in fact exactly how the film depicts the attempted assassination. I hear the CGI scenes with Mecha-Hitler are awesome.
Quote from wien :I hear the CGI scenes with Mecha-Hitler are awesome.

I hear the CGI scenes of Tom Cruise smiling are awesome, too.
Quote from wien :I hear the CGI scenes with Mecha-Hitler are awesome.

Yup, he sure can do wall-runs while shooting 2 miniguns simultaneously...
Quote from chanoman315 :looks vey good, i cant wait (seriously)... is it about some treason (?) to hitler?

You don't know the story?!? Well I don't want to spoil the surprize but......

Spoiler: Hitler wasn't loved by all of he's generals, some wanted to kill him and thats what they tried to do. The assasination was going to take place at a bunker in one of Germany's forrests. Stauffenberg , in this case the general wich Tom Cruise plays in the movie, had a bomb in he's briefcase. The plan was simple, he was going to place the bomb under the map table , then leave under the pretext of making a phone call. The bomb exploded, some generals died but Hitler survived . Why? He was very very lucky because one of the generals that was attending the meeting moved Stauffenberg's briefcase past the table's leg. This, the fact that the table was made from heavy oak and Hitler's position saved him from death. Stauffenberg and the other conspirator where catched later that night at Berlin and executed.
Quote from R34GTR :You're not watching channel 5 by any chance?

Nothing good to watch on Cannel 5 since they took Red Shoes Diares off the air
#15 - th84
The only part that Tom Cruise has played well in the past 10 yrs is the scientology (sp?) episode of south park!
Sounds like th84 needs to see more recent movies.
#17 - th84
Nah, none of them are worth the time.

Im not big on movies, much less any with Tom Cruise in it.

I did recently go to the theatre for the first time in years.. I saw Kung-Fu Panda with my little one. The last movie I saw in the theatre before that was Castaway.
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Nothing good to watch on Cannel 5 since they took Red Shoes Diares off the air

Ah, well as you made this thread there was a Tom Cruise film on 5
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Sounds like th84 needs to see more recent movies.

You don't need to see recent movies for a brilliant movie with Tom Cruise in the lead role.
Ah, but I wasn't talking about a lead role.
Actually could be a movie with a decent plot and a different take on the war.

Unfortunately if you let Hollywood do it you'll get some American action movie with Tom Cruise looking like he is playing some kind of pirate who has raided Max Mosley's wardrobe.
Bear in mind this is the director of The Usual Suspects, X2, etc. He's a capable guy, and Cruise is a decent enough actor when given a good role and a firm hand.