GCSE presentations don't need to be amazing tbh

I've included stuff that one might find useful when giving a presentation too. If you just need to create a slideshow instead of actually presenting it, feel free to ignore. If it's just design it, make sure you include proper readers' notes.
My guidelines would be
- Choose a background that doesn't interfere with the text
- Use a readable font
- Use a suitable font size, not size 12, not size 54
- Use bullet points only
- 6 words per line
- Use pictures if they add something meaningful (some things are easier to visualise as graphics)
- Don't add tables or appenices of info and expect them to be read. If you do put in a table, only use it to highlight important facts
- There's no need to change the transition every time. See next point.
- K.I.S.S.: Keep it simple, stupid. Presentations aren't really about flashy slides. Most of the presentation is you speaking about the main points that are listed in your slides. Should you need to use a cheat-sheet, under no circumstances whatsoever, read from it like reading an essay. Have the info on it so that you only need to glance at it for a brief second to remind yourself what you're speaking about or are about to speak about.
Also, unless you're naturally funny, avoid humour. Focus at points just behind the people you're talking to, or at random people if you're comfortable being stared at
Depending on how things work at the GCSE level these days, you might need to include references to all borrowed work. In uni proper referencing was a must. If you do add them, have a look at the Harvard referencing method.