(36 posts, started )

ExternalDrift is old team, but its never have been good. So now i have kick all old members and start from beginning. We are the team who love to drift. I want my team to have fun and be good same time.

Members (8)

[ED]Maxim - Norway
Number: 69

[ED]Luxxxus - Norway
Number: 99

[ED]Zeek - USA
Number: 15

[ED]Revo - Uk
Number: 16

[ED]Brejkan - Sweeden
Number: 11

[ED]Seksi - Finland
Number: 23

[ED]Hades - Czech Republic
Number: 33

[ED]Nitwon - UK
Number: 42
Pr0 team
Quote from maxiim :ExternalDrift is old team, but its never have been good. So now i have kick all old members and start from beginning.

You are a complete idiot in two ways

1) You just defeated the point of a team. The point of a team is that you meet new people, become friends, and decide to do what you like doing together, by making a team. You can't just kick out the "Old" members and get some new ones, just because the old ones weren't "Pr0 dr1ftorz!111". You seem to be treating members as "objects" rather than people. Its just like saying "Oh, those DVDs were never any good, I'll just chuck them in the bin and get some new ones". If your team is not good, accept that, and try to help the members of your team to become better.

The bottom line is, if you made a team just so you could wear a Team tag and "PwN A$$ LoL!!1", then I suggest you give up with the whole team Idea.

2) You posted your member's email adresses on a public forum. You have just given them a one way ticket to a Inbox filled with spam.

There's no hope
you dont know anything about this team! team was dead cuz it start wrong. we was addding all people and after 2 weeks nobodey was activ anymore!
and thx for the idiot !
Well, you made it sound like you kicked a whole load of good members because you wanted to start again... My bad

And replace the @ symbol with (at) to prevent your members from getting spammed to hell.
no problem. yeah i can to it. cuz i had alot of adds on msn last days !
New member! Welcome Seksi!
Thats me!
Gratz, on getting into the team
Hmm ... seems like I'm kicked from ED then.
Kay, thx bai.
#11 - feat
Cheers peeps, nice members ova' there.
lmao i thought you were dead serious for a second
Quote from MrPDR :lmao i thought you were dead serious for a second

what do u mean ? XD
I thought you really had a tattoo made for ED lol
then i saw the pic >.>
Quote from MrPDR :I thought you really had a tattoo made for ED lol
then i saw the pic >.>

ahahah its not me o.O i just found a pic with some googling xD
we got new member today Welcome Vellu!
lol he didnt do long with Drift Sensation...
Quote from Riders Motion :lol he didnt do long with Drift Sensation...

I know. I think it becous is different time sone and ds is abit inactive.
Its cause we are all in Diff time Zones, Hell I'm the only Aussie Within DS and I still Drift with Mason And Andy the Leader. a few nights ago I saw Aatu. Still have fun with Vellu. Looks like they tried to steal DS's Site aswell we have the Pink border around our Drivers so do they... They also have Black and Pink Cars just like DS. Just noticed this
A bit late but good luck maxim and the members
ehm, ED is old team dude. And yeah i took same style on website, BUT skins is summer 2008. We gonna make new skins for next year. And DS's skins have another style so do not say im stealing anything !
I know but your skins are still The Pink and black, Just different Areas now. But still alas GL with your team and the new skins when they come along.
#25 - TG44
Quote from V3NOMOUS :Its cause we are all in Diff time Zones, Hell I'm the only Aussie Within DS and I still Drift with Mason And Andy the Leader. a few nights ago I saw Aatu. Still have fun with Vellu. Looks like they tried to steal DS's Site aswell we have the Pink border around our Drivers so do they... They also have Black and Pink Cars just like DS. Just noticed this

naah it wasn't cos of timezones.. Aatu and I are both finnish... as is Vellu.. and the difference to UK where Andy and Mason lives is only 2h..

He just thought that DS is Inactive.. and yes, atm it is a bit, i guess andy spends his time on his gf nowdays, told me he doesn't care anymore... though the only reason i haven't been driving for 3 months is that i'm waiting for a new g25.. as the one i had broke..

(36 posts, started )