The online racing simulator
Drift insim Request
i just want the thing where it record your drift score. like (score : 2342 + 5354) ive seen on other servers ad want to make my own server with that feature
#2 - Bean0
What you want is LFS Lapper
Quote from {PS} Aussie :i just want the thing where it record your drift score. like (score : 2342 + 5354) ive seen on other servers ad want to make my own server with that feature

Hi,here is a link 4 LFS Lapper!! ... just too get u started!!

Took me ages 2 Work the Lapper,but all u hav to do is start LFS then press "T" type "/insim=29999" into text window(e.g Attachment pic!)

//OR u can edit short-cut used to start LFS...
(e.g)>>> [ "C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Desktop\Game Files\LFS.exe" /insim=29999 ]<<

Start lapper..
Ignore the bit that tell's u thers no DriftPb yet! U hav 2 make these *.txt files in the bin folder..just right click in bin folder & make 2 txt document's(1 called "DriftPB" an 1 "PB" [dont hav 2 write anythin in them..think theres more not sure..any1?? ##########################

2 get a PB set in to these files.......just do sum laps!!!! Lapper.
Ohh i cant get sum things 2 work while in single player mode/eg.drift scores.....only if u hav ur own host room with admin rights!!!
If any1 else has anything more 2 add please feel free 2 recorrect me if im wrong :lfs::noob:I Love this Game!!.......
Attached images
insim_29999_ingame pics.bmp
Attached files
LFSLapper5.14.rar - 198.2 KB - 2924 views
thanks mate
or ingame just do /insim 29999, no need for the equals sign :P
#6 - sun
Glad to help....
Quote from {PS} Aussie :thanks mate

no problems,there is a new version that is made by same person,i have no rights to the credit for this,coz i didnt make it but pplz around do.

here is is attached rar file for newer { LFSLAPPER ver.5.714}:checkered.
Attached files - 438.7 KB - 3008 views
Quote from {PS} Aussie :i just want the thing where it record your drift score. like (score : 2342 + 5354) ive seen on other servers ad want to make my own server with that feature

LFSLapper can be found at

With a bit of coding, you can get LFSLapper to give you this type of thing (see image).
Attached images
Sin'rs Drift Master Meter.png
very easy Question for you guys!!
I Installed LFSlapper 5.7.16..

I am trying to make LFSLapper read the DriftPB.txt but i couldnt...i created it in the bin folder..i think its because i am direting the right path..

The File is located in (D:Games/LFS/LFSLapper/bin/DriftPB.txt)...

so how to I write it in the lapper.cfg file

Is it like this??

$DriftDatabase = "D:Games/LFS/LFSLapper/bin/DriftPB.txt";

Thanks Guys!!
hi yes i have it working fully and drit points and everythign but nto to sure on the coding forthe boxes and angle meater and stuff
mm ok downloaded it and put most of the bit in the right plaice i beleave btu cant get ti to work properly
#14 - VoiD
Quote from Krammeh :or ingame just do /insim 29999, no need for the equals sign :P

...or simply add this line to your data\script\autoexec.lfs :

/insim 29999
When I've got some spare time (!), I'll have go at re-writing DriftMeter to how it used to look.

EDIT - I've removed my lapper script as I've opened new thread with my old Drift Meter
Quote from sinanju :OK, I've changed my DriftMeter a bit over last few months, so may not look exactly as you want, but here is my current complete Lapper.lpr config file (warts and all!) that includes a DriftMeter function.

You're willing to try it, and reverse engineer to suit.

Includes quite a few extras that you're welcome to use too.

You'll need to put in your own port number and password and Pubstatidk.

Also, my config file is littered with references to "Sinanju" and "Sin'rs", which you'll need to change to your own name or team.

You can see it in action at Sin'rs first if you want.

When I've got some spare time (!), I'll have go at re-writing DriftMeter to how it used to look.

PS Not sure if my version of Lapper (5.714) is compatable with newer 5.716 that you can now download from GuiLuron's LFSLapper post.

omg add me on msn need to talk [email protected]
this is amazing great work.

thanks alex
Quote from Fahad911 :I Installed LFSlapper 5.7.16..

I am trying to make LFSLapper read the DriftPB.txt but i couldnt...i created it in the bin folder..i think its because i am direting the right path..

The File is located in (D:Games/LFS/LFSLapper/bin/DriftPB.txt)...

so how to I write it in the lapper.cfg file

Is it like this??

$DriftDatabase = "D:Games/LFS/LFSLapper/bin/DriftPB.txt";

Thanks Guys!!

In version 5.714 the drift database is /DriftPB.txt, but in version 5.716 its only /DriftPB.

Try removing the .txt at end and see if that makes difference.
so how do i get a drift meter on my server cause i got the drift points working but i want a drift meter
Faz os npcs driftarem pfv assim quem nao tem net boa pode faze twin
it does not let me enter my server anymore?
I mean guys are on my dedicated lfs server but how do I enable it on my server please help me Frown: ////

This comes out of me
IS_MTC - only for multiplayer hosts
The insim port of your server, should be different than the port of the client.
This comes out of me
IS_MTC - only for multiplayer hosts
As I said, your insim port on LFS should be different of the DCon