The online racing simulator
Those who don't mind becoming sort of beta testers, can you try this track:
and make sure you put the attached suzuka TDF file in the locations\suzuka\suzuka-2005 dir (and use the 2005 track in game of course).

The other attachment is a completely adujstable car setup availeble for the Z06. A few other changes are: the tyres have 104% longitudinal grip vs lateral instead of 106%, and there is more engine braking and less toe by default. There simply *is* a small window where the car is neutral, but I guess its really easy to overshoot this 'sweet spot' and end up with under or oversteer. I don't see there ever going to be a way for the 'understeer complainers' to get the handling they like. To get the desired lift off behavior, one guy increased engine braking torque to be about 80% of the *engine power torque* which I cannot imagine at all. Perhaps you can run 160.000 rear rollbar and 80.000 front.. It really requires measurments that are not realistic to get the sort of behaviour quite a few people want, but try the attached adjustable version and see what sort of car you end up with hopefully more to your liking. Perhaps It'll lead to some clues to change the base setup, though within reasonable limits (you can go far beyond these limits with the adjustability here.. )

I am at a point with ISI's physics now that I can't see major improvements or changes being possible; though the sum of a few small changes can always be considerable. While there is a chance I'm not getting the most realistic experience from rFactor, I'd say its fairly close and it must be a combination of things like:
- not doing enough miles
- perhaps being a bit stuck in the GPL / LFS / other ISI type of driving style where you've learned to expect certain things that don't happen.
- the unlikelyhood of a decent road car to be oversteery at will
- the shortcommings of any physics engine (be that LFS/GPL/Rfactor)..

Anyways, you can now get your spanners out on the z06, if you'd like, and feel free to upload a few setups, I'll certainly be looking forward to the numbers you use..
Attached files
SUZUKA-2005_tdf.rar - 2.6 KB - 152 views
z06_aug12_adjustable.rar - 10.9 KB - 151 views
Niels please could you post a link to the Nurburgring version you're using? I think I've got the most recent but the TDF files have different names to the ones in my folder.
#28 - JJ72
I don't see the understeer problem, you just have to give the front some time to react, let it turn in, put some power on and it's fairly neutral. The only time when it gets dangerously understeery is at high speeds, it's best to proceed with caution.
Tried it, especially the Z06, sice I've been looking forward to it for a loooong time, and it's just great!

And having the convertible is nice too.
Incredible, feels almost like LFS.. never thought you can get so much from ISI. Great job!
i have some problems with this mod and a few other (non Niels related ). If i start, lets say 25-30 cars on the Nordschleife Tourist my game lags pretty bad, didn't had that before. I recently upgraded from a AMD X2 4600+ to a AMD Phenom 9850 Black Edition. Would that be the cause?

Enjoying the updated version, but have one question. What kind of steering lock to lock does the Z06 have in real life? I can't figure out if it's possible to get the in game wheel to turn more than 240 or whatever my wheel (momo) offers. Feels like a road car should have much more than that?
hi Titan, in the readme there is a link to a 'tips' page on RSC where you can tweak the in game steering wheel rotation. With a 240 degs wheel like the momo though, you're in big trouble as either you have a very sensitive steering or you simply don't have enough to drive confidently in the knowledge that you can catch oversteer or induce understeer at will. The real car has about 1000 degs of lock and some 30 ish wheel lock, though it could be anything between 28 and 32.

Attached some new physics, and a new nurburg TDF keeping the original bumps (they are actually not so bad, i was fooled by the low grip..) and 98% grip on the tarmac bits.

Z06 time: 7:46
C51 time: 8:07

I'll make an exception so those who says it understeers won't be hunted down and stabbed with the nearest sharp object (though you may end up on the 'possible murder' list.... )

Hmm new avatar ''I killed xx people who claimed my cars understeer''
Attached files
corvette_3_01_physics_14aug08.rar - 33.9 KB - 152 views
Ring_terrain.rar - 2.6 KB - 155 views
While surfing I noticed some interesting news.

If I've understood correctly, you're the physics man on this mod too. If that's so, it's gonna be some fun to drive around.

Any more information I can't get from that site?

And BTW I'm enjoying the V3.
ah yeah, the supra will be a quick job; should be plenty of fun but I'm going to use my physics tool as its intended; enter the car specs, click 'save' and do a test drive and be done, mostly..
Quote from Niels Heusinkveld :ah yeah, the supra will be a quick job; should be plenty of fun but I'm going to use my physics tool as its intended; enter the car specs, click 'save' and do a test drive and be done, mostly..

Said he before the corresponding RSC thread.
I've been tazzing round Bathurst in the Corvette and it's great fun. Nice work Neils
Quote from LFSn00b :How do you make the steering wheel turn that much? mine only turns 90 degrees ingame

(talking about the ingame steeringwheel)

There's a setting in <rfdir>/Userdata/<profilename>/controller.ini called "Steering Wheel Range".
im starting to hate myself cos i uninstalled the game just before this update became. i think i should consider re-install again. but then i get addicted to modding and make rfactor to size of <20 gb again
I feel real stupid. I bought a rFactor license two weeks ago. I only played once. This game is so complicated!
Bah it worked when I tried the link in my post, but guess it came from the cache
Attached images
What's that track called?