The online racing simulator
Finland Helmet
I was wondering if someone can do me and lfs gorup a Finnish Helmet where is flag or something in finland.. I would be happy if someone can do
My Personal Skin
Attached images
nice idea
Personal Helmet for Pearcy_2k7 made by me
Attached images
nice, can you make something like that, but with a dutch flag and G!NhO on the side?? please
Quote from G!NhO :nice, can you make something like that, but with a dutch flag and G!NhO on the side?? please

Ask pearcy, it's his helmet...
This is probably SO newby, but where do I put the helmet skins??? File location?
Quote from WF07 :This is probably SO newby, but where do I put the helmet skins??? File location?

Same as the car skins. LFS/Data/Skins
oh, ok thanks!
speedemon57's Personal Helmet
(Private, only for use by speedemon57)

EDIT: Preview coming soon.
You can only use it OFFLINE. It's some kind of ugly I know, but if you use it online, I'll report of PSS (Private Skin Stealing).
Quote from speedemon57 :You can only use it OFFLINE. It's some kind of ugly I know, but if you use it online, I'll report of PSS (Private Skin Stealing).

that doesnt make sense
PSS... lol. buy the game then moan that peoples steal your shit.

Or dont release your stuff if you dont want others to use it... mmmk?

EDIT: Preview attached.
Or alternatively post a preview of it, only the man with the dog and a cane will use that skin.

J.Lindberg, thats a great lid!
thanks mate
My only helmet skin
Attached images
the search function may can
or, you can post a thread in the request section?
but if i were you, i will search first indeed
Hi, i put the helmets in my pic folder, but i cant use it ingame? i click on options, then on driver and i cant use it!! why?
Quote from TurboBlaster :Hi, i put the helmets in my pic folder, but i cant use it ingame? i click on options, then on driver and i cant use it!! why?

You should put it in your /data/skins folder
#548 - pab
hi not sure how to get skin bit thick i supopose help thanks pab paul
nice helmet you have there

Helmet Skins
(1330 posts, started )