The online racing simulator
#1 - sun
PHP, Login / Register [Problem]

I've followed a tutorial, on and i downloaded the .zip file. I followed what he said, but he never told us that we need an smtp server. I went back into the code, and theres nothing there on that line about smtp connecting and all that. I've been trying to fix this error, for neally a month now, I even got my brother to try and help, but he doesnt understand as much php either...

I hope you can help! as, this is only a quick tutorial for me!


Image - ScreenShot at the bottom of post.

PHP - file at bottom of post.

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Did you try google "php mail" , they will send you on the PHP manuel for this.

On Unix system require your OS configuration for "sendmail" and on windows from php.ini you need to configure some parameters.

So you don't need a SMTP server your self! but you need to connect to a SMTP server to be able to send a e-Mail. This is what you are missing!

The manuel of PHP got most answer on question you will have! take a good look!
#3 - sun
ok, i'll try it out
#4 - sun
What do you mean "nope"? Google for "php mail", the first result is the link to the PHP manual page for the "mail" function. Read up on there as to why your error may be occurring. (Hint: your PHP install is 'misconfigured' [for want of a better term] for sending mail).

I cannot honestly believe your complete lack of problem-solving skills. Even when it's a good percentage of what programming is about.

I'm just going to go ahead and quote this again:

Geez man, first you PM people and then you post the same question here ...

After ALL the advice you're given this year, you STILL don't know how to grab some data from an url and parse it?

Dude, please stop harassing us with your questions. This is the only time I'm going to say it. Further questions will be treated as spam.
It's hard for me to say this, because I like enthusiastic folks, but you mate, I'm sorry you've just become annoying.

Quote from jamesf1 :what Do You Mean "nope"? Google For "php Mail", The First Result Is The Link To The Php Manual Page For The "mail" Function. Read Up On There As To Why Your Error May Be Occurring. (hint: Your Php Install Is 'misconfigured' [for Want Of A Better Term] For Sending Mail).

I Cannot Honestly Believe Your Complete Lack Of Problem-solving Skills. Even When It's A Good Percentage Of What Programming Is About.

I'm Just Going To Go Ahead And Quote This Again:

Stupid question, but very obvious considering some of your earlier requests...

Do you actually HAVE a mail-server of some description running? If so, is it configured correctly?
You've just got to look at the screenshot and see that he is running it on his own PC, and from a MSN convo that I've had with him, I know he is trying to send it via his ISP.

I told him to either edit his php.ini or use the ini_set() function, to set it. As I used to do this with my ISP while dev'n sites.

But he doesn't listen. I give up trying to help him now.
#9 - sun
Its About time some of you need to put some glasses on and see what i'am runnning in the background to get that site running... Now i wonder why you tell me instead of your self

Except from krammeh, who was problebly the first one to NOTICE that i'am running WampServer2.
Quote from sun :Its About time some of you need to put some glasses on and see what i'am runnning in the background to get that site running... Now i wonder why you tell me instead of your self

I fail to see how that is relevant? You still need to configure PHP properly - either to use your ISPs mail server or your own. By default php tries to access a local smtp server, or special executable (sendmail), as Greenseed described in his post.

The various WAMP stacks do not tend to include SMTP servers (unless you use IIS, which does, but you're not using that), and there's no way that they would automatically configure without some sort of user input.