The online racing simulator
BL3 Technical Xroads
(28 posts, started )
BL3 Technical Xroads
I've been working on a new car park layout on the passed few days and this is the result... It's not finished yet, but it will be released soon! Till then enjoy the screenshots.

Download layout on post #9
Attached images
technical xroads.JPG
technical xroads2.JPG
#2 - Jakg
nice work, could this be a new banger layout?
I started this layout with exactly that in mind! I was getting kinda bored with the old oval banger racing layout (not that it wasnt fun, but needed something new) so i decided to create a more complex racing track. It can be used for various types of racing, from drifting, autox, to banger racing, etc.
#4 - Mc21
yeah i would love this to be a banger racing layout!
Ok, some updates have been done to the track. A couple sections got wider and a few corners were reworked, so its easier to drift it now! Enjoy some screens for now...
Attached images
LFS 2006-07-31 19-29-26-70.jpg
LFS 2006-07-31 19-30-03-21.jpg
LFS 2006-07-31 19-30-32-37.jpg
LFS 2006-07-31 19-31-33-20.jpg
yeah... it should be the new banger Lyt... the other one was too small, só with a lot of people on, you could barely move...
Nice layout but I think it's way too big for a banger racing track. Banger racing is done on small ovals IRL so I think it should be done on small ovals on LFS.

Nice layout though.
Looks very good! Congrats.
Ok i guess its ready now! Was tested online several times and mostly anyone that tried out the track, really enjoyed it. Have fun!
Attached files
BL3_Xroads.lyt - 4 KB - 1378 views
Quote from Disposable :Ok i guess its ready now! Was tested online several times and mostly anyone that tried out the track, really enjoyed it. Have fun!

Any screens?????
Quote from superstix :Any screens?????

Nice. 2 years and 271 downloads later, i finally get a comment...
Anyway, its not very different from the previous screens on post #5.
But if you really really want a couple screens, i guess that can be arranged!
Attached images
Quote from Disposable :Nice. 2 years and 271 downloads later, i finally get a comment...
Well, its not very different from the previous screens on post #5.
But if you really really want a couple screens, i guess that can be arranged!

Hahaha :clapclap:
Nice layout!
Looks nice, just the opening is a little tight, especially if you have lots of people.
That's half the fun, Dustin
nice lyt good work really enjoyed it and still am
this lyt is great, suits perfectly for mrt
Glad everyone is still enjoying this old layout!
1nsane layout
you need to put this online

here's a replay of me doing a lap on the Xroads layout in an FXO TURBO

there was a couple of times where i hit the wall but overall i thought it was a good lap
Attached files
Xroads with FXO TURBO.spr - 44.7 KB - 269 views
Something's wrong with your replay. I get OOS error at 0:25.29 seconds...
Quote from Disposable :Something's wrong with your replay. I get OOS error at 0:25.29 seconds...

that's weird. i get it too but at 33.29 seconds
Quote from Disposable :Something's wrong with your replay. I get OOS error at 0:25.29 seconds...

i'll do it again and upload another replay if it works
new replay (blackbones123) DELETED by blackbones123
(blackbones123) DELETED by blackbones123 : replay dosen't work

BL3 Technical Xroads
(28 posts, started )