Hmm mischief on computers in school eh. Well I played around a bit but never did much harm "IN" school. I did afterall teach the only I.T. class (computers where a thing of the future!) the school had... OUT of school however, rather once I got to college, I became the second most prollific cracker on the most wanted list. I never did get caught, and courtesy of the statute of limitations and having long since cleaned up my act, I never will .

Then the internet came along... Oh you kids have it easy these days! Back then it was a revolutionary concept in education to network up all the computers in a single room, let alone connect them to the outside world! I think I was in the 4th year (I think you call it year 15 now? 2nd year before leaving unless you do the voluntary staying on thing) when my school installed it's first network. It was Novell Netware. I had full admin access of course, not that I was meant too, but if i'd played up i'd have made the class I taught a misery!

I did once write a little Turbo Pascal program to do the whole jet taking off sound thing (increment the frequency by 1 each loop) so when they switched all the computers on it was like standing on the apron at Heathrow and directing all the traffic to one spot.

Once I got out in the workforce I practical joked my boss with a batch file based joke-virus that pretended to scramble his file allocation table, it even made rogue access of the HDD (no read/write cache in those days), displayed a progress bar (in ASCII art) then clean removed itself from the HDD and overwrite the sectors on the HDD where it had sat, leaving only a (deleted) batch file that did the overwriting. It took my boss 2 days of full time study to figure out a guess as to how I did it. He said it was genius, but I should have been doing some work instead, and should not have risked his autoexec.bat and config.sys (don't ask).

I used to go into Dixons and write little programs that made the Spectrums look like they where loading, so people would come in and they'd see the demo computer was already loading a cool game (usually I did Elite) and would stand there waiting for it, but it never happened.... There was a RANDOMIZE USR command in Spectrum BASIC to do the squiggly loading lines and everything.

Oh and I once stitched a mate up who worked in PC World (look out Jakg!) with a boot up error message saying that "PC World Technicians don't know how to fix this". My mate, who was the technician in question, had to do a fresh install to remove it after the whole technician team spent days puzzling over it. After which I took great delight in telling him it was me That was just a simple registry hack.

Oh VNC on the uninitiated is fun too, did that one bored day back when I worked for some long since bankrupt corporatation, it was fun to watch the girls in customer services complain that their mouses where doing strange things, but funnier still when they started making rude typing errors.
Quote from 91mason91 :that might just do the trick....
Or so no one gets harmed.... EMP

Yeah, but the EMP is so boring compared to a nice NAPALM:hbomb:strike.

I fell I must explain, I've had the day of feeling ill (inner ear infection, makes me walk as if I've had 22 beers, yet without the fun a 22 beer drinking session brings) therefore I have been keeping myself entertained by watching Vietnam movies, mainly 'Apocalypse Now'. This in my semi-medicated state has left me with an incredible urge to NAPALM :hbomb: every moving thing, while stating "I love the smell of Napalm in the morning". Unfortunately my brother handed me back my Dr.Strangelove DVD, and now I want to ride a Nuclear Bomb from a B52 Bomber, waving my Cowboy hat above my head, whooping and howling as it heads towards mother Russia, and those who pollute our 'bodily fluids' via fluoridation; the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face.

I think I'll have to see a different kind of Doc tomorrow, I feel the need for a nice white jacket and a room with no windows
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :I have been keeping myself entertained by watching Vietnam movies, mainly 'Apocalypse Now'. This in my semi-medicated state has left me with an incredible urge to NAPALM :hbomb:.

I strongly suggest not watching Pulp Fiction right now. How about a nice book about Peter Rabbit?

*edges away*
lol, well i took ICT for my GCSE's and in the first few lessons, there was this nerdy/chav kid interupting the teacher how he can do all the crazy shit on pc, so i go "sure you can" then the usual comes "oooh mate, starting ?" just makes me laugh, so i give a big smile and ignore, he goes "i have klinux, super better pc than yours" and looks around all the people, gives a nudge to a girl, trying to impress her, so i go "if you mean the operating system, its called Linux mate, not klinux". End result watch him being lost in shame, with other kids laughing

So yeah just catch him staying stupid things infront of everyone and correct him with a slight comeback, watch him go red
Quote from Migz :I could try to ignore him but he's always coming over and always talking and just hard to ignore really.

I could also not care but its not just me he says these things to, its other people i know too. Causing them to poo their paints thinking their computer is going to blow up when they connect to the internet.

I would really like to do that, but he's alot bigger then me.
I could get killed if i did that!

Ignore him even harder noobs like him need to learn a thing or two about how to behave....
Its quite possibly becaus he could be quite unsure about himself to that he act's that way

If he ist just screw him for the F44ckaarwd he wants to behave like
We had a pretty tight group of kid in my CAD class who would unleash hell on anyone who forgot to log off in the previous class. I usually would do a 'print screen' of the student's desktop. Set that as the wallpaper, then hide all the icons.

On the other hand. I have fallen prey to the "scotch tape on the mouse laser" trick. You can also go into the monitor's settings and turn the image 90 or 180 degrees. My buddies at work have pulled that one as well.
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :I fell I must explain, I've had the day of feeling ill (inner ear infection, makes me walk as if I've had 22 beers, yet without the fun a 22 beer drinking session brings)

if you were a little more scientifically minded youd have already used this perfect opportunity to find out what walking on 44 beers feels like (im assuming that 22 is roughly your limit of being able to remember anything)

Quote :and those who pollute our 'bodily fluids' via fluoridation; the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face. ?
Quote from Migz :So id just like to know what i can do just to shut him up and prove to him he knows f*** all about computers and creating viruses?

Set him on fire.
#34 - MR_B
#36 - aoun
Ignore the prick. Normally people who keep talking shit, lack what they are talking about, BIG TIME.

However, do you know FACT that he is bad? At the same time, he may be very very good with computers.

Best option is to get over him and ignore him. Who cares..? Just because he could be good at that, doesnt mean he is at other things that are more important.. just smile and nod! He will get fustrated eventually and piss off. If he some how does become some sort of threat, knock him one.
You know what they say: Those who talk, aren't doing. And those who do are too busy actually doing it to want to brag about it. Applies to everything.

Like most people have said, ignore the muppet. Shrug it off with a "yeah, whatever" if you need to speak to him, then change the subject.
He's probably posted a topic on a different forum called:

What To Do About A Guy Who Thinks I Am Crap At Computers When I Secretly Know Everything

Just punch him if he carries on. If he's bigger than you and is trying to make you think he's good with computers then clearly some bit of him isn't as big as he wants you to think.his brain. dirty people.
Quote from mcintyrej :He's probably posted a topic on a different forum called:

What To Do About A Guy Who Thinks I Am Crap At Computers When I Secretly Know Everything

LOL epic!!!

But migs seriously ignore the guy like he doesnt excist
Quote from Dajmin :You know what they say: Those who talk, aren't doing. And those who do are too busy actually doing it to want to brag about it. Applies to everything.

Words of wisdom.
#41 - SamH
If he's the hacker he claims to be then he wouldn't be asking what hardware was in your PC, he'd be telling you.

They're pretty well all the same, really. This kid probably thinks he knows enough key words to fool the people around him. He's relying on them knowing nothing, though.

The problem with ignoring him is that if he can't get you to freak, he will move on and pick on someone else who's more susceptible.. and scare the crap out of him/her. Would you report an ATTEMPTED robbery/mugging, even though it failed.. or would it make more sense to make sure that mugger wouldn't try it again?

I think Becky's Dummies suggestion is great.. and the more people around, the better. This kid really shouldn't be allowed to keep the upper hand.

[edit] Oh, and block his MSN. You shouldn't even have him ON MSN.. that's just setting yourself up, and it's stupid. Nobody with any sense should have him on MSN, if he's threatening that way. If someone's threatening to break into your house and smash up your TV, you don't let them get as far as your hallway.
Just... Ignore him. His questions are totally useless... He doesn't even know what he asks
A topical suggestion from me: if you have school email accounts, spoof emails from his account to that of some girls/the teachers, where he proclaims his love for them and performing disturbing sexual acts in their honour. Should help people stay clear of him.
You could always ask him to set up 5 different email accounts in Microsoft Outlook, then sync them to a pocket pc, along with a months worth of very important appointments and tasks.

I've been trying to do it for a week or so, and it's got me completely stumped

Anyone who can do this without getting a bucketful of errors and not having half your emails go missing MUST be some sort of computer genius imo
#45 - 5haz
Laugh at him.

And then poke him, with a drawing pin.
Quote from Bob Smith :A topical suggestion from me: if you have school email accounts, spoof emails from his account to that of some girls/the teachers, where he proclaims his love for them and performing disturbing sexual acts in their honour. Should help people stay clear of him.

and if that does'nt work NAPALM :hbomb: the crap out of him.

Although Bob's idea will work, and could possible land him in more trouble so I would go for that one.
Quote from Bob Smith :A topical suggestion from me: if you have school email accounts, spoof emails from his account to that of some girls/the teachers, where he proclaims his love for them and performing disturbing sexual acts in their honour. Should help people stay clear of him.

Lol thats a idea wich has a nice evil feel over it
I guess that someone needs more attention.
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :and if that does'nt work NAPALM :hbomb: the crap out of him.

Although Bob's idea will work, and could possible land him in more trouble so I would go for that one.

LoL man careful you dont want to burn your house...
Tell him your PC's been hacked and you're going to get him excluded for it.