im in search of a good drift team i have been playing for ver very very long with some stops in them just recently started playing again after a month break. i think i played this for 6 years or longer check my other acount navarox. for real join date i had the game before that but wasnt registered yet. i bought this acount from a "freind" and been using it ever since dont do a lot of posting on forum with this acount though.
but enough about that.
im really really experienced you can check my vids on youtube look for user named navarox.
i use 2 logitech driving force pro`s to drive set to 720 and sometimes 900
i use a set of pedals for clutch and the other wheel as a shifter and the other for e-brake. i specialize in driving like a idiot. getting as close to stuff as possible. i really really luv to manji can do twin manji after couple of laps i can get really close or do it the opposite dirrection so we cross each other i am able to adapt my driving to the situation. in short a realy good show driver. i can also bust down a really really mean speed drift on bl gp rev used to do it for my old team Battle Squad. good at drifting in compettion sectors really good
but havent really had time to participate in a real event all the event i did was freindly unregistered events.
i can also give lessons to all level of drivers and can help with game problems.
only problem is i got work and a girlfreind. so my game time is limited
but the times im on im very helpfull
i think i will be a great addition to a team with lots of activities like giving lessons to noobs orso or active in chain drifting i want to interact with poeple so big teams are nice. srry but i dont really want a team that just started been in enough of them they all died faster then i could manji a lap of bl gp rev and thats FAST! so plzz a little stable team that plans to be around for quiet a while.
but enough about that.
im really really experienced you can check my vids on youtube look for user named navarox.
i use 2 logitech driving force pro`s to drive set to 720 and sometimes 900
i use a set of pedals for clutch and the other wheel as a shifter and the other for e-brake. i specialize in driving like a idiot. getting as close to stuff as possible. i really really luv to manji can do twin manji after couple of laps i can get really close or do it the opposite dirrection so we cross each other i am able to adapt my driving to the situation. in short a realy good show driver. i can also bust down a really really mean speed drift on bl gp rev used to do it for my old team Battle Squad. good at drifting in compettion sectors really good

i can also give lessons to all level of drivers and can help with game problems.
only problem is i got work and a girlfreind. so my game time is limited
but the times im on im very helpfull
i think i will be a great addition to a team with lots of activities like giving lessons to noobs orso or active in chain drifting i want to interact with poeple so big teams are nice. srry but i dont really want a team that just started been in enough of them they all died faster then i could manji a lap of bl gp rev and thats FAST! so plzz a little stable team that plans to be around for quiet a while.