I was wondering becaus i fount out that there are quite a bit of ordanary guys in lfs that dont realy have car knowlage.
By this i mean when u get to the complicated stuf
My sugestion and possible solving to this is to actualy to provide a stable base setup for every track combo and very car, mayeb that is a bit much but as i found out al the fe combos have very similair suspension setups.
But for the length and the way a certain combo goes the gearbox is always difrent.
So what i would find veryy usefull is to give base setups for al the cars and tracks not all but the importand stuf such as gear ratio base and tyre presdure stuf and supsension base for one long track version and a long version(tracks like Fernbay, Aston, Kyoto, Westhill and leave the rest up to the divers.
So that leaves brakes and stufs to do for your own becaus for me it took alot of times to finally understand what the setupmanual actualy wanted to tell me.
So its kind of for yourself to set the car up in those ways those extra seconds are made by your setup work becaus the sets would not be able to do world reccords for sure
I think this base sets whould be great combo with the setupmanual. to make a good set to be as fast as u can and feel confident in the car
Thanks for reading Chrisuu
By this i mean when u get to the complicated stuf
My sugestion and possible solving to this is to actualy to provide a stable base setup for every track combo and very car, mayeb that is a bit much but as i found out al the fe combos have very similair suspension setups.
But for the length and the way a certain combo goes the gearbox is always difrent.
So what i would find veryy usefull is to give base setups for al the cars and tracks not all but the importand stuf such as gear ratio base and tyre presdure stuf and supsension base for one long track version and a long version(tracks like Fernbay, Aston, Kyoto, Westhill and leave the rest up to the divers.
So that leaves brakes and stufs to do for your own becaus for me it took alot of times to finally understand what the setupmanual actualy wanted to tell me.
So its kind of for yourself to set the car up in those ways those extra seconds are made by your setup work becaus the sets would not be able to do world reccords for sure
I think this base sets whould be great combo with the setupmanual. to make a good set to be as fast as u can and feel confident in the car
Thanks for reading Chrisuu