I try to bumb into all the people i can reach so when they come back to turn the cornor they find someone burning rubber trying to get away from the the person i bumbed but really no i just pay attention to the road and check standings sometimes.
Quote from Racer556 :Mate, go check your wheel's drivers, the LFS FF is crashing against you wheel drivers... be sure to turn all wheel effects off for LFS

I have all the effects off, still does this on mine. If you leave it perfectly straight its fine but if its a little off the FF just bounces back and forth uncontrollably.
Quote from DieKolkrabe :You wrecker Smurfen o.O

just having some fun on the boring straights besides, is stupid to pass someone which is weaving about uncontrolled
Am I the only person to notice the epic 2 and a half year bump? o_O

I get bored, so I put AI in the BF1 and make it go the opposite direction, or place a barrier(s) at the end.
on the straights i close my eyes a little and take a nap.
UF1: Ordering a really big Pizza
FXO: Get Icetea from kitchen
FXR: Take a big sip of icetea
BF1: Missing the next corner
Go put the toasts on the "oven" or whatever its called in english, and on the next lap, go get them already toasted. So i must do a good lap, or they get too crusty.
UF1: Watch an episode of Mr.Bean, a wrestling clip, and Michael Winslow making noises in the aircraft

XRT: Make a Jimi Hendrix impression trying to out-perform Michael Winslow (and failing)

BF1: Trying to put my headphones in the speakers as fast as possible when my mom is making a "speech" before I lose the car and (probably) swear out loud after losing the car and plowing it against a barrier and afterwards my connection due to lag (when nobody is in my room, that is)
I usually start chatting... I check my messages on STEAM (shift + tab), see who's online and start chatting... depending on the car I also go to the steam community check other people's profile, etc
Also, I play catch with my dog throwing the ball far enough so he won't come back until next straight

Quote from JO53PHS :Am I the only person to notice the epic 2 and a half year bump? o_O

whoa I have just notice it now that you said it
Oh yeah:
UF1 50% intake restriction: play a map css gungame.
Quote from Smurfen :just having some fun on the boring straights besides, is stupid to pass someone which is weaving about uncontrolled

Crash or die, much?
#163 - AMB
Eating or drinking something... not funny though.

Sometimes setting my wheel up again as I'm so pro to rip it off the table.
Play a few chords.
UF1 with full restriction: go to school.
XRT: Try to go sideways
FZ5: Try to keep it going in a straight line
FZR: Complain about too much grip
BF1: Think, where did the straight go?
Quote from DieKolkrabe :Crash or die, much?

people usually keep some distance when im messing about, so no serious dmg yet
Take hits from the bong
i just change my view to see how my car looks, or change it to other drivers
beat one out
press the throttle.
I scratch whatever it is that is itchy at that time, take a deep breath if its after a battle for position, stretch a bit, chat if its on a public/pick up racing server and get ready for the next corner.
I check cpu temperature, vga temperature, hard disk temperature, chipset temperetaure, gpu use, cpu use, used ram and used vram in my Alphacool lcd
I have a staring contest with that squirrel on the tree outside my window. So far I'm no match for him.