The online racing simulator
Post your CTRL+V
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LOL and that response, Have you tried 7IO
better not post my v here
Dirty South – Let it go
Shinsei Industry VF-19S Excalibur

Equipment Type: UNAF/UNS main advanced variable fighter
Unofficial codename: Blazer Valkyrie
Government: U.N. Air Force, U.N. Spacy
Manufacturer: Shinsei Industry
Introduction: 2041
Operational Deployment: 2041
Accommodation: pilot only in pressurized canopy.
# Battroid Mode: height 15.48 meters (without beam gun)
# Fighter Mode: wingspan 13.52 meters; height 3.94 meters; length 18.47 meters
# GERWALK Mode: wingspan 13.53 meters
Mass: empty 8.62 metric tons
Structure: space metal frame, energy converting armor, stealth composition.
Power Plant: two Shinsei Industry/P&W/Roice FF-2550J thermonuclear turbine engines.
Propulsion: 78,950 [68,500] kg [x g] x 2 (maximum output in outerspace); 2 x rear afterburner intakes encircling engine/lower leg nozzles; 2 x two-dimensional independent vectored thrust nozzles for enhanced V/STOL performance and maneuverability; many x P&W HMM-7 high-maneuverability vernier thrusters (featuring encircling vernier slits around engine/lower leg nozzles).
# Fighter Mode: cruise speed at 10,000 m Mach 5.1+; max cruise speed at 30,000+ m Mach 25+ [(8.5+ km/s)]; max rate of climb at S/L 68,000 meters/minute.
g limit: +35.5/- 19.5
Design Features: 3-mode variable transformation; variable geometry sweep (VG) wing; vertical take-off and landing (VTOL); supersonic cruise and maneuvering in region of Mach 5.0+ below the stratosphere; two-dimensional thrust vectoring (independent pivot); capable of attaining unassisted orbital velocity over an Earth-class planet; wrap-around imaging monitor system in cockpit (all modes); anti-projectile (bulletproof) shield; internal weapons bays with medium-range high maneuverability missiles (engine/leg sections); fighter-scale pin-point barrier system (PPB); active stealth system; 3 x special equipment hard point stations for optional 2 x all-environment FAST Pack conformal propellant tanks and optional 1 x fold booster.
- Armament -
# 2 x fixed internal laser cannons (mounted in both leading wing roots with exit ports)
# 1 x small-bore rear anti-aircraft beam gun (mounted center dorsal section in Fighter/GERWALK mode, becomes head turret in Battroid mode)
# 4 x fixed rear anti-aircraft laser cannons (mounted center dorsal section in Fighter/GERWALK mode, side of head turret in Battroid mode)
# 1 x Howard GU-15 new standard external gatling gun pod (mounted ventral fuselage in Fighter mode or in manipulator in GERWALK/Battroid modes).
# 1 x fixed fighter-carried pin-point barrier system
# 1 x standard bulletproof (anti-projectile) shield (mounted center rear dorsal fuselage in Fighter mode, mounted on arm in GERWALK/Battroid modes)
Bombs & Missiles:
# 2 x internal Little Rock launch systems featuring 24 x high maneuverability micro-missiles OR 6 x medium-range high maneuverability missiles each (mounted ventral side fuselage in Fighter mode, lower legs in GERWALK/Battroid modes); pallet can be alternately equipped with other weapon packs.
Optional Armament:
# 2 x space/atmoshperic Boosters and Super Part weapon units with micro-missiles (mounted dorsal engine nacelles in Fighter mode; side shoulders in GERWALK/Battroid modes)
# 1 x spiritia absorption pod.
I have bent the rules, only because I believe it is wrong to post data about someone else. All I have removed is a name, email and IP address. (replaced with ********)
I did leave my own details, like I'm bothered about you seeing.

From - Thu Sep 18 14:46:23 2008
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Subject: Mistake
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oh sorry i sent to you wrong setup.cfg

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<div dir="ltr">oh sorry i sent to you wrong setup.cfg <br></div>


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You have just sent a fudge.
LFS demoing for 1 year
Radiophone Amsterdam TCM 127

Post your CTRL+V
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