Proper chicanes
(124 posts, started )

Poll : LFS needs slower ( updated ) chicanes

Dont agree
Proper chicanes
Lately me and some friends have been discussing the chicanes in lfs alot,
We all came out with the same the arent the best to keep it clean here.

Whats the goal from a chicane if you can fly over the curbs / grass like on fe2 - 3 or like in kyoto 3-3r onto / from the oval over the gravel.

The thing what the chicanes causes is cutting and then the complains start again from he cutted more and thats why hese faster etc...

The goal of a chicane in real life is bring the speed down, well we1 chicane with fzr 180kph fe2 with fzr 200 kph fe3 160 kph ky3 210 kph, thats not realy bringing the speed down.
And of course make overtaking oportunities what happens at this moment in the chicanes are crashes there is 1 line possible and if you enter in with 2 cars always 1 crashes.

like this picture what my friend darkone made.

If you get slow chicanes like this you get more lines aswell threw the chicanes, depending on driving style / car.
in these slower chicanes ( under 100 kph ) you get the change to make a diference as a driver as instead of having the most luck cutting over the gras. Also in these slow chicanes cutting them is useless because it will only slow you down.

If you look at the first chicane of Monza that brings action last chicane in suzuka brings action becaus the chicanes are slow and good for overtaking.

Looking at real life racing you see tracks eveloping there alot all the time like spa the last 5 years so maby som lfs tracks can get developt more aswell with better chicanes to make them even better to race at.
I totally agree with whose post above.
What I'd like to add is that chicanes aren't must on track, lots of tracks doesn't have them at all, and one great example of great track without chicane is Interlagos.
This thread doesn't mean that all chicanes have to be "slow", but it means that like 70% of them should be "slow". For example Aston and Blackwood chicane (the ones before main straight), are pretty fine as they are now, and it's also quite hard to manage them fast, unlike some others. But they aren't "uber" fast, they're just "fast".
So maybe the rule is fast chicane before straight and if chicane is located at end of straight, then it should be slow, to make opportunity to pass.
I agree fully 100%

P.S. Ask a mod to add a poll.
Yea, you're right. It's not really usefull to cut a slow chicane indeed. Especially when it would have some high curbs, and maybe those black/yellow bumps. Or just tyres (although this is annoying if someone in front of you crashes in them).
agree +9999

the chicanes in lfs arnt realistic at all imo. lets get something done about it
good form rudy
+1. And that giant kerbs in fern bay's chicanes doesn't look very realistic.
-9999999 you dipshit....

(+1 :shy
+1099432973 Good idea
Great, more braking, it is a AWESOME idea
Thats right, chicanesis for slowing down.
I agree
#16 - Vego
I agree, but if we want to change shikanes we will must delete all pb's on this tracks, because it' slower.
Offcourse that will be done if tracks get realy a change
Irl, they use slow chicanes mostly in F1 for safety reasons, to slow down some corners that in the past were ultra-fast-and-dangerous, and because if they don't add that kind of really slow corners then overtaking at other parts of the circuits is almost impossible.

What's the bad thing about "real chicanes"? They're boooooooooooring. You won't find a real life driver saying that one of those chicanes are in his favourite corners of any circuit. They're there just to them (the drivers) do a full braking, adn they don't like that. We wouldn't like that neither.

But, the fact is that some of the current LFS chicanes are worse than bad, so even making them into very easy, very slow chicanes would make them feel better.

So... all in all it's ok for me for some of the chicanes, but I don't think it will result in an awesome change.
Quote from N I K I :I totally agree with whose post above.
What I'd like to add is that chicanes aren't must on track, lots of tracks doesn't have them at all, and one great example of great track without chicane is Interlagos.
This thread doesn't mean that all chicanes have to be "slow", but it means that like 70% of them should be "slow". For example Aston and Blackwood chicane (the ones before main straight), are pretty fine as they are now, and it's also quite hard to manage them fast, unlike some others. But they aren't "uber" fast, they're just "fast".
So maybe the rule is fast chicane before straight and if chicane is located at end of straight, then it should be slow, to make opportunity to pass.

these two and the corkscrew at as historic/north and cadet should stay as they are! they are legendary

but i agree with rudy, the actual chicanes are too fast and overtaking there is more like suicide than racing.

they should be like the graphic by darkone, only the westhill chicane, both fe chicanes (the chicane in gold can be fully (re)moved) and the kyoto gp chicane off the oval (like the chicane in national) should be updated.

my opinion:
Quote from Trekkerfahrer :these two and the corkscrew at as historic/north and cadet should stay as they are! they are legendary

but i agree with rudy, the actual chicanes are too fast and overtaking there is more like suicide than racing.

they should be like the graphic by darkone, only the westhill chicane, both fe chicanes (the chicane in gold can be fully (re)moved) and the kyoto gp chicane off the oval (like the chicane in national) should be updated.

Well the dont need to be removed but updated in a way that you can take them in a fast / safe way. and offcourse the corkscrew should stay there but som others Fe-2-3 ky3-3r we1 can get som work maby even last As chicane because its alot of cutting there aswell.
Quote from MaKaKaZo :What's the bad thing about "real chicanes"? They're boooooooooooring. You won't find a real life driver saying that one of those chicanes are in his favourite corners of any circuit. They're there just to them (the drivers) do a full braking, adn they don't like that. We wouldn't like that neither.

You're right, from a driver's perspective they're not very challenging. But I think it's more important to have a lot of different (high, mid and low) speed corners.

Other arguments are given already.
Quote from Vego :I agree, but if we want to change shikanes we will must delete all pb's on this tracks, because it' slower.

1) less realistic track design
2) virtual penis reduction by 0.003 mm

Hard to choose.
Quote from Rudy van Buren :Well the dont need to be removed but updated in a way that you can take them in a fast / safe way. and offcourse the corkscrew should stay there but som others Fe-2-3 ky3-3r we1 can get som work maby even last As chicane because its alot of cutting there aswell.

for the we update: lets see what scawen has for us, he said that westhill gets an update soon

but i think the fe3 chicane should be (re)moved, there is no sense to make a chicane 200m before the next corner
Quote from Trekkerfahrer :for the we update: lets see what scawen has for us, he said that westhill gets an update soon

but i think the fe3 chicane should be (re)moved, there is no sense to make a chicane 200m before the next corner

Well yea im not realy going for a removing but more updating it but yes 200m before next corner is a chicane isnt realy usefull but the fact of taking it flat flying over curbs with 160 kph ( fzr ) is more unrealistic
Quote from Rudy van Buren :Well yea im not realy going for a removing but more updating it but yes 200m before next corner is a chicane isnt realy usefull but the fact of taking it flat flying over curbs with 160 kph ( fzr ) is more unrealistic

normally you would have no suspension anymore

Proper chicanes
(124 posts, started )