Another school shooting in finland..
(112 posts, started )
Another school shooting in finland..
Quote from LFSn00b :Ja Tomba, sitä ei sanota "he looks.. monkey(Hän näyttää apina)" vaan "He looks like a monkey(Hän näyttää apinalta)

Alun perin siinä luki gay ja korjasin nopeesti monkeyks en huomannut typoa
Well, what can I say?

Bad, bad student!
#7 - Kaw
whats up with that man. some inzanely stupid ****s out there!
The guy shot himself in the head afterwards and survived?

double fail!
Quote from rediske :The guy shot himself in the head afterwards and survived?

double fail!

It's not sure if he survived.. But yes, fail if he did
my newsticker says: '...severely injured he was brought to Tampere hospital'
Quote from rediske :my newsticker says: '...severely injured he was brought to Tampere hospital'

That's true but well finnish doctors sucks so I think he's going to die unless dr. house comes in finland
On a completely unrelated and insensitive note:

Is everyone in finland named Matti? (From the article, the shooter, and the Prime Minister are both named Matti, thus I can assume that all Finns are named Matti.)
Why do we have to use the word fail in such situations?
That man seriously need some help afterwards, and I am not talking about medical help here, not to speak about what they are going to do in the hometown of the victims.

And as usually, media has to be bitching on the police, saying they did not do their job since they did not put him into jail after the youtube videos he posted before. He actually were on the police station the day before, regarding they wanted to talk to him about the video's he had made, but they could not find any reasonable reasons to keep him there, since he did not seem like a tread.
And this media has got a hang on, and now they bitch about police officers that should lose their job and so on and blalba, really , sometimes I ****ing hate the media, fat bastards that's allways have to make up stories, lies and spread false rumors and speculations around. I say **** again, because I am as usually pissed off on the media.

And to be better, watched some official newspaper forum, of course everyone were like "**** the police, they should all be fired since they did not take it serious", yeah right! So now we are going to put in jail every damn person that posts something threadening on youtube?
People need a grip, specially the ones that belives everything media puts up and tells, naive dumbasses.

Don't even know why I am so angry, but I just am. Maybe I am just fed up be media, and even more fed up by the idiots that has to go to the paper and tell how much the cops sucked, it's the damn idiots in that town's responsebility, not the police. They should see the warning sign and get him placed on mental care. But enough of that, we can blame on eachothers all we want, but in the end of the day it will allways be people that just are too screwed in head to understand, sadly. But to blame it on everyone else than him, or the people around him is just too silly.

And agian, sorry if I offended someone, as stated I am just seriously fed up by the stupity of the media, at least here in Norway.
A guy like that should get beaten up badly, with a fist, what a fooking douchebag gets a gun and uses it to kill innocent people.

It is possible that he survives, but probably as a retarded. I hope he will suffer the rest of his life.

News like this makes me angry.
The shooter is dead now.
he didn't win, obviously not...
Today's event was a tragedy but there's a silver lining.

Maybe now some bright politician sees a golden career honeypot in raising discussion and drawing people's attention to the lacking mental help options for teens - and more importantly, for boys. Finland is already saturated with safe houses and social safenets for girls but boys are completely forgotten in the background.

Mark my words and quote for truth.
Do they have the death penalty in Finland? I hope not. I want to see this man confined in a jail cell for the rest of his life.
Quote from G!NhO := WIN! but this guy didn't win

Do you have that little compassion for humanity?

Absolutely disgusting.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Do you have that little compassion for humanity?

Absolutely disgusting.

??? i only said Double Fail = WIN

but this guy absolutely fails
We just survived from the first massacre (almost everybody i think)...
and now this? :eek: Can´t understand that this happen..
I readed, that polices was hearing that man at last week, because of those videos. But they didnt impoundage hes gun.. dont know why.

Another school shooting in finland..
(112 posts, started )