Old Timer update
(5 posts, started )
Old Timer update
Hi All
An update on my progress (LFS),I just installed my shiny new MOMO wheel,as reported here it installed perfectly but -FFB I perused the forum and found AnyBodyKilla's post on the subject,followed it and VIOLA....FFB thanks so much for that!
I have thrashed around a bit learning? a bit as I go,now settled to runnig the trainng programne,which I find helpful,then off to the races! offline for a while and then aproach the mysteries of racing on line ( I figure ,what the heck someone has to be last and it might be fun!!!
So long for now Forum Friends

Ron(Old Timer)

#2 - Dac
good luck with the online racing! remember, practice is everything. id say get within 20% of the WR time before attempting to race online.
Glad to see you're enjoying LFS and are so dedicated to learn it. Like Dac said, practice enough and you'll get there. You don't have to be fast to enjoy online racing, there's almost always someone of your own skill level that you can race
Good thing really. I've never been fast and I always had fun But I did always pride myself on knowing where other drivers were and giving plenty of space for the faster guys to get past.

I miss having a wheel
Old Timer: I wish that when I'm at your age I'll still be as enthusiastic about racing sims as you are Sir!

Have fun & chapeau!

Old Timer update
(5 posts, started )