I know this is nothing doing Whit Live For Speed But still important yesterday In Finland City Called Kauhajoki was horrifying day. A Student Shooted A 10 innocent people in school and started a fire in Classroom.
Shooter shooted himself to head and died in injuries
Sisäasianministeri Anne Holmlundin mukaan ammuskelussa kuoli 11 ihmistä. Homlund vahvisti uhrimäärän Ylen haastattelussa.
Haavoittuneita on kolme. Yksi ihminen on loukkaantunut vakavasti.
Kauhajoen palvelualojen oppilaitoksen 22-vuotias opiskelija Matti Juhani Saari aloitti ammuskelun koululla yhdentoista aikaan. Ylen mukaan Saari aloitti ammuskelun kesken koetilanteessa. Koulussa oli tapahtumahetkellä parisataa oppilasta.
Oppilaitoksen laitosmies Jukka Forsberg kertoi YLE Uutisille, että ampuja meni kouluun sisälle suuren laukun kanssa kommandopipo päässään, minkä jälkeen sisältä alkoi kuulua laukauksia.
- Täällä on vakava tilanne käynnissä. Isolla aseella ammutaan ja kovaa, palopäällikkö Ahti Yli-Mannila Etelä-Pohjanmaan pelastuslaitokselta kertoi Iltalehdelle hetki ampumisen alkamisen jälkeen.
Ampujaa kuultiin jo eilen
Sisäministeri Anne Holmlundin (kok) mukaan poliisi kuuli ampujaksi epäiltyä eilen, koska tämä oli julkaissut ampumavideon internetissä. Poliisin mukaan kuuleminen ei antanut aihetta toimiin.
Holmlundin mukaan ampujalla oli määräaikainen aselupa, joka oli myönnetty viime kuussa. Ase oli miehen ensimmäinen
.Koulu ei tiennyt poliisin puhuttaneen ampujaa ennen surmia. Kauhajoella oppilaitokset ovat kiinni ainakin huomenna.
Saari entered through the school's basement, and lit a fire. The fire brigade received an emergency call about the fire at 10:47 (UTC+3).The shooting began at around 10:46, when roughly 200 people were assembled inside the college. Saari was armed with a Walther P22 Target semi-automatic firearm and a number of incendiary devices, including homemade petrol bombs and Molotov cocktails He wore dark clothing and a balaclava (ski mask). The school's caretaker Jukka Forsberg, who survived but had several shots directed at him, said "[The gunman] was very well prepared. He walked calmly.
Saari initially opened fire on a group of students writing their exams, and entered at least one other classroom.[19] The police forces, bolstered by a number of armoured vehicles, arrived a short time later, and were able to evacuate the school. He had also started fires at several locations within the school buildings, including near to people whom he had shot. The blaze
damaged the dead bodies so severely that it made the identification process difficult for police. Of the deceased, nine were found in a classroom, and one in a corridor.[16] Some of the pupils, in trying to escape the premises, had
turned to rowing boats on a nearby river. Firefighters managed to extinguish the blazes without any major damage to the school. Saari remained at large for some time on the school grounds after it had been evacuated. He was eventually found alive by the police at 12:30, after he had shot himself in the head.
Saari was taken to Tampere University Hospital, where he was treated his gunshot wound. He died a short time later. Saari was originally from Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, but lived in Kauhajoki because of the catering course that he was enrolled in.