Got power back on Monday (8 days) and internet earlier today after friggen Ohio got hit by hurricane Ike. Took my friend and I 2.5 hours to get back from mountain biking (usually a sub 30 min drive). Everywhere we went there was a tree down, and because we were driving around during the storm, another tree would have fallen across our previous path. Would have been more fun if not for the bikes on the back of the car. Anyone else effected by Ike?
Heh even we felt Mister Ike... But nothing more then strong winds and rain... No damage either. It's just surprising how even we feel it when we're not exactly that close :P.
We were out exactly 84 hours. It went out 9:45 pm Sunday and came back on when I was on the phone with the wife on Thursday at 9:45 am.
Who's your power company? I saw everyone but the power company for days. Phone trucks and cable trucks were everywhere but not one power company truck did I see until Thursday. Allegheny Power sent all their guys down to Texas.
4.5 days without power sucks, especially when you have a well for water. But I've seen the photos of Texas and Florida. There are much less fortunate than us with only our convenience being interrupted for a few days.
We have DP&L (I'm near Dayton, so thats Dayton Power and Light). After not having power for just around 194 hours (I think), the first thing I did was play with the microwave and garage door opener and I'm still not so sure lights are going to turn on when I hit the switch. But meh, we spent a lot of time together as a family and I did a crap load of Road biking (all of our MTB trails were just about killed, but now they are open). The only part that kills me is that one of my friends got power back on the Monday AFTER the storm (lost power for like 8-12 hours) and another never lost power, but another just got power earlier today and yet another still doesnt have power (but he is the only one without it on his street because DP and L has low priority on fixes that only help one house, which makes sense, but still sucks).
Edit: DP and L sent all their guys down to texas also, so all the work that has been done has been by contractors and guys driving around in Honda Civics that have DP and L stickers on them.
Edit Edit: From what you said, I'd assume you have well water; That sucks. We were lucky because we are on city water, and we have a gas water heater.
No kidding. If we had 75 mph winds here, I cant even imagine Galveston. I have seen some pictures, and I felt very lucky after words. My heart goes out to those people. I'll defiantly go with my church if they decide to go down and offer aid. Regardless of how angry many people were here (it was a bit over the top in many ways. We had people actually standing in front of one of the DP&L HQ places protesting and others with big nasty signs in front of their houses), we got sooooooooo lucky.
Apparently the big AFB nearish my house (Wright Patt AFB) is being used as aircraft storage for other Bases affected. In the 10 or so minutes that I've been on here I've gotten up a bunch of times to see aircraft fly over (in the last couple of hours sense I've been home from school, I've seen around 6 F-16s, the usual C-5s every 5 or 10 mins, a C-130, I think a KC-141, and another C-5 while I was writing this)